January 9, 2025

VIDEO: Can Do Easy Canning with Nan Chase

Author and food preserver extraordinaire, Nan Chase (books Eat Your Yard and Drink the Harvest) shares a power-packed workshop on canning to get even beginners started successfully keeping more of summer’s bounty for year-round enjoyment. Learn the equipment you need, best practices and insider tricks to help streamline the process of making the most of…

VIDEO: Roundtable: Keepers of the Bees

Join us for this roundtable event of wise local beekeepers facilitated by Diane Almond of Honeybees & Heather Farm, Nancy Adamson of the Xerces Society, Michelle Carter of Living Web Farms and Phyllis Stiles of Bee City USA. They will discuss sustainable beekeeping, pollinator health & habitat, community dynamics and activism. Bring your questions and…

VIDEO: Wild Foods with Alan Muskat Part 1

Alan Muskat (notastelikehome.org is a multi-talented ‘philosoforager’, stand-up ‘mycomedian’, and epicure of the obscure. He has been going “out to eat” for nearly twenty years and is founder of the first forage-to-table program and wild foods market in the United States. He has authored the book “Wild Mushrooms: A Taste of Enchantment,” and popped up…

VIDEO: Mark Shepard Keynote Speech CFSA SAC 2014

Mark Shepard, author of “Restoration Agriculture” delivers an impassioned and stirring keynote speech at the 29th annual Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Sustainable Agriculture Conference in Greenville, SC. Introduced by multi-species grazing expert, Greg Judy of Green Pastures Farm and Exec. Director of CFSA, Roland McReynolds, Mark called out to organic farmers and permaculturists to be…

VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 1 Introduction

Transform food waste into a valuable food supply for chickens, hogs, songbirds and fish with Black Soldier Fly Production. Karl Warkomski, Director of Conservation with ProtaCulture, LLC introduces us to this astounding insect that can break down food waste faster than microbes. Black Soldier Fly maggots make a high fat, high protein source of nourishment…

VIDEO: Life Lessons from Earth Part 2

Ruby Warren shares Life Lessons from Earth Part 2 where she discusses the need to reconnect with nature and the soil, from the microbial level to our hearts and minds. Ruby gently teaches us to celebrate and reweave our inherent connection to the planet. She shows us how to strengthen our ability to live in…

VIDEO: Mushroom Cultivation Part 1 Introduction

Get the basics of growing mushrooms with Patryk Battle joined by Greg Carter of Deep Woods Mushrooms. Learn how to grow in a variety of ways to achieve a steady mushroom harvest for you and your family. Discover ways to enrich fertility with mushrooms in relationship with fruit trees and in the garden. Participants helped…

VIDEO: Florida Biochar Facility with Ken Morrison

Get a guided tour of the new Florida Biochar Facility with site manager, Ken Morrison. Learn how the innovative process works and the stages biomass goes through to become activated charcoal and eventually biochar. The added continuous feed system makes this especially efficient for adding biochar to revitalize life in soil on large farms/ranches.

VIDEO: How To Propagate Plants with Cuttings

Share the joy of propagating plants with others by getting started in making live cuttings that will get you leaps and bounds ahead of propagating by seed in many cases. Patryk Battle demonstrates the ease and simplicity one can utilize to have way more of certain plants desired for the farm or garden, even if…

VIDEO: Building a Wood Fired Oven, Part 4 Brick & Cob

Learn how to build a wood fired oven with Tom Trout at the Mills River Educational Farm. Materials will include oriented strand cob, brick and native clay to make a mobile unit portable for events and farmers markets. Visit http://www.LivingWebFarms.org for more videos of hands on workshops at the farms along with more resources for…

VIDEO: Building a Wood Fired Oven Part 2 Preparation

Learn how to build a wood fired oven with Tom Trout at the Mills River Educational Farm. Materials will include oriented strand cob, brick and native clay to make a mobile unit portable for events and farmers markets. Visit http://www.livingwebfarms.org for more videos of hands on workshops at the farms along with more resources for…

VIDEO: Building a Wood Fired Oven Part 1 Design

Learn how to build a wood fired oven with Tom Trout at the Mills River Educational Farm. Materials will include oriented strand cob, brick and native clay to make a mobile unit portable for events and farmers markets. Visit http://www.livingwebfarms.org for more videos of hands on workshops at the farms along with more resources for…

VIDEO: Seed Starting Part 4 Cell Packs & Sowing

Learn all about starting seeds and the most efficient ways to get your garden growing even in colder temperatures. Pat Battle instructs this class in the greenhouse at the Mills River Educational Farm where a variety of seedlings are already off to a great start. Get helpful tips on seed varieties, products, techniques and when…