VIDEO: TAGGED Some things about me
This video will self destruct after a few days. Not the type of video I want to leave up long.
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
This video will self destruct after a few days. Not the type of video I want to leave up long.
A bit of my springtime prep and what has hindered me for the last week.
Cleaned up some of more other property and got a few trees pruned. Mail call today. Hardcore Gardener Southpaw Davey Southpaws gold prospecting and adventures Dale Calder
Starting the 2017 garden season. It is slow going but will pick up speed. So far we have peas and beets in the ground and a few broccoli seedlings to first test out the cold frame.
Had not planned on making a third video for this subject of beginning gardening but a few comments on the other two and prepping for this years garden brought to mind a couple more
2016 was not so good for us. Dreadful, Furchtbar, awful, Schwerig! Good riddance! Things are evening out in our lives and hopefully will be looking up soon. I have finally recovered well enough from my long illness that I can go back to work at least part time. More on that later. We have a…
I had many appointments last week and did not get much accomplished. Hopefully more to come.
We’ve got a lot of leaves, so why not collect them for mulch in our vegetable gardens. But leaf baggers are expensive, so I decided to try to build one. Follow me through my thought-process and trial and error, while I attempt to collect leaves on the cheap.
After completing the construction of our Hugelkultur mound in the previous video, we finally got around to planting some vegetables and covering the entire thing with straw mulch.
We’re finally settling in to our new cabin, and have begun homesteading! One of our first priorities this spring was to construct a vegetable garden. Hoping to work in harmony with nature, we decided to delve into the world of Permaculture, and built our very first Hugelkultur mound! So what’s Hugelkultur? Well, we’ll show you!…
First time sauerkraut fermentation. If you wish to skip the intro the preparation begins at 8:15.
This may well be the last gardening video I do this year. I have to pull back and seek a balance in my life again after all the upsets from the last year. The new job is much more stressful than it has to be due to poor management and I have to figure out…
Just a little pruning and bed prep. I want to do a video later on my soil condition and what I’ve done to get to this point.
Finally harvested another of my yacon.
Another book review. Found this one a bit difficult to do. Good info in the book but the writing style was not one that appealed to me. It may appeal to you. One thing I forgot to mention is that he tries to bring in some political and social things using fermentation as allegory. Frankly,…
New Years wishes and my favorite Christmas gift from under the tree.
How I process some of my rose hips. It isn’t necessary to go to this much trouble but I do have a purpose as I explain.
When hardening off the yacon I managed to sun scald it badly. When I set it out permanently I placed each in a different location that received direct sun exposure at different times of the day. Each has recovered. You be the judge.
Look what showed up! I’ve tried rooting cuttings to get them but it never took. They showed up exactly where I wanted to put them as well. How fortunate could I get?
Did some more shredding today for my mother in law. A few points I wanted to share. I definitely feel one of these is very beneficial if one has a lot of cuttings or can gain acces to them. Talk to the neighbors and get theirs. Stop and ask when you see people cutting. Don’t…
Whats in my garden that came from saved seeds. What I plan to save this year. Coordinate with others to lighten the individual load for seed saving. Stay tuned…. more to come!
Quick look at how I decided to build a short wall for a terraced bed and a look around at the springtime property for those who have been asking about it. The Wall is not yet complete as I made some last minute changes in the design I wanted and ran out of materials. There…
Getting a messed up start this year due to “life”. Forgot to show what I still have inside. Lot of changes coming in our family, our work and the channel.
Had a few problems with the chipper and brought home to service.
In Vitro meat and my thoughts on what I consider the ridiculous excuses for it. Very sorry but a few “expletives” did make it past my lips towards the end. I mistakenly uploaded the unedited video. Very sorry about the gaps and being so long. As it is already up I guess I will leave…