March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Currants From Planting To Harvest

Forbidden fruits: Berries, banned? That’s right. In the USA currants were banned from being grown or sold for many years. This ban has since been lifted, and while UK and European gardeners are familiar with this fruit in their gardens, many Americans are yet to discover the wonders of currants. In this week’s episode, Ben…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Carrots Every Time! 🥕

Everyone loves crunchy carrots! But aren’t they really hard to grow..? It’s easy, if you know how! Ben gets to the root of the matter in this week’s episode in his complete guide to growing the best carrots from sowing to harvest. Get your crunch on! If you love growing your own food, why not…

VIDEO: Bulk Food Azure Standard Haul and Once a Month Grocery Haul

#AcreHomestead #BulkFoodHaul #GroceryHaul #OnceAMonthGrocery Haul #AzureStandard #FoodStorage Instagram @Acre Homestead One Month FREE Audible trial — I love buying bulk food because it allows me to stay out of the grocery store as much as possible. Having stables on hand in my food storage making it so nice because I can make anything…

VIDEO: Nuts As Staple Foods with Osker Brown Part 7

Nut based agroforestry offers a huge potential to increase the ecosystem functions of human habitats. Osker Brown, of Glorious Forest Farm, will discuss all aspects of nutrition, harvest, storage, processing, and culinary use of acorns, hazelnuts, chestnuts, hickories, and black walnuts. We will show and tell tools and methods for processing, and sample some treats.…

VIDEO: What is land based consulting?

Organic Growers School, based in Asheville, NC and serving the Southern Appalachians, offers sustainability consulting to all land-owners, land-seekers, growers, and sustainability seekers of all scales and styles. This interview is with Brandon Greenstein, the OGS Sustainability Consultant in order to help explain the importance of land and site planning and design. From the website:…

VIDEO: Where We Get FREE Garden Mulch

Consider supporting our channel on Patreon, to help us create more frequent videos. — Over the past few years, we’ve been covering our entire growing area with thick layers of organic plant-based mulch. And so far, we’ve not yet had to pay for any of it. So, since we receive a lot of questions…

VIDEO: Permaculture Garden Harvest | 100% Organic BACKYARD Gardening at it's Finest

One of the BIGGEST Cabbages I have ever grown! Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️ SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: →Merchandise: MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK →Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: →6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: →Row Cover: →Neem Oil:…

VIDEO: Planting 1500 Garlic Cloves in our new Flipped-Sod Raised Beds

Help support our channel: Now that we’ve doubled our growing area, it’s time to plant our garlic. Also: Crop rotations, our homemade hole poker thing, lessons learned, etc. Plant Hardiness Zones, Annual Rainfall, and Other Important Information Instant Raised Garden Beds by Flipping Sod: Expanding our Garlic Patch No Dig Garlic: Planting,…

VIDEO: How To Grow The Best Basil!

In this video, I show you how I prune my basil plants for the best growth and bushiness, and I show you the optimal range of conditions in how to grow your plants. Basil can be grown indoors or outdoors, and if given the right conditions, is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes, peppers, and…

VIDEO: Can You Live off Just Chickens & Vegetable Garden?

Is it possible to live off just your own chickens and vegetable garden? In this short video, I explain how it is possible to live off keeping chickens for eggs and by growing your own fruit & vegetables. Subscribe to my Blog/Website:… Support me on Patreon: Help support the Channel and buy a…

VIDEO: Results and Lessons Learned from our Carrot, Onion, and Radish Experiment

Help support our channel: The results (and lessons learned) from our first attempt at companion planting carrots, radishes, and onions using a first-year Ruth Stout Garden. The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden Garden Update: Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions…

VIDEO: Permaculture Gardening, Sustainable Food Forest Design

Permaculture gardening means focusing on Design. A Functionally Designed system creates more then it consumes. Gardening with nature and working with its natural cycles allows you to design an ecosystem that works for you! Subscribe: Facebook: LAWN TO HIGH PRODUCTION FOOD FOREST: CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! 5 TIPS FOR…

VIDEO: Is Organic Food a Scam?

This video on whether the production of organic food is a scam/lie or at best a big waste of money is in response to a video I saw produced by Prager Unervisity and narrated by Bjorn Lomborg called “Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?”, which practically argues that the whole organic food industry is fake…

VIDEO: Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden

We continue our Ruth Stout permaculture experiments by companion planting carrots, radishes, and onions. The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture: Planting Garlic in a Modified Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden: Winter Ruth Stout Permaculture Update and a Bit of Q&A: Spring Garden Update: Hugelkultur, Ruth Stout, and Garlic Sprouts! : Planting Potatoes…

VIDEO: The "Back to Eden" Method of Permaculture Gardening

In our continuing quest to experiment with a multitude of permaculture techniques, this time we decided to construct a Back to Eden style garden bed… and in doing so, also prevented desertification! Back to Eden Film: Our past videos… Constructing Our Hugelkultur Vegetable Garden : Planting our Hiugelkultur vegetable garden: Hugelkultur Vegetable…