March 11, 2025

VIDEO: Slash Your Biggest Gardening Cost in 2023

Want to cut costs in your garden? Potting mix and compost is arguably a gardener’s biggest yearly expense. in this week’s episode, Ben treats us to some money saving tricks and tips for filling pots and raised beds for a fraction of the price, if not entirely for free. Better get collecting now! Off you…

VIDEO: 11 Winter Tasks To Guarantee an Abundant Garden Next Year

Prep your garden for winter with these tips from the squad: Kevin, @jacquesinthegarden @fluentgarden320 and @Blossomandbranch. Our goal is to give you comprehensive winter tips, no matter what your growing zone. IN THIS VIDEO → Seed Starting Trays: → Birdies Beds: → Birdies Urban 9in1 Short: → GardenStraw: → Felco 2…

VIDEO: New Vegetable Garden: How To Get Started

It’s time to get GROWING! But where do you even start?! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener wanting to expand your growing area or a starting your very first vegetable garden, Ben has some top tips up his green sleeves for you that will help you get the most out of your budget and your space.…

VIDEO: First Garden Tour and Harvest of 2022! Abundantly Blessed!

#AcreHomestead #GardenTour #GardenHarvest Instagram @Acre Homestead Video Mentioned – Planing Wine Cap Mushrooms – Planing Spring Garlic – Wine Cap Mushrooms – — For 10% off use code: ACREHOMESTEAD They had better reviews when I bought them and I had them germinate no problem….. Strawberry Mint Seeds – Favorite Garden Supplies…

VIDEO: Massive Late Summer Garden Harvest and Seed Saving!

#AcreHomestead #GardenTour #SummerHarvest #Garden2021 Instagram @Acre Homestead Seed Envelops — WOW, that was one massive harvest day!! It was so fun getting out into the garden and harvest so much beautiful produce! I can’t wait to get inside and turn all of this homegrown goodness into something amazing to eat! Hot Sauce Recipe…

VIDEO: STOP Using Epsom Salt in Your Garden 🚫

In short, the only reason to ever use Epsom salt is if you KNOW you have a magnesium deficiency. There’s really no other good reason in the home garden. 00:00 – Intro 00:56 – Epsom Salt History 02:10 – Prevents Blossom End Rot 03:13 – Prevents Pest or Diseases 04:10 – Use As A Fertilizer…

VIDEO: HOMESTEADING VLOG : Setting up our Cattle Panels for Tomatoes!

Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go! Greenstalk Code: GreenStalk Code/Link for 10% OFF: MICHELEROSE10 Video setting up our vertical planter: ▼ CONNECT WITH US INSTAGRAM | @berrymountain.homestead | MICHELE’S CHANNEL | For Business Inquiries, please email…

VIDEO: How to Garden in a Small Space with a GreenStalk! Vertical Gardening | VLOG + House Update

Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go! GreenStalk Code/Link for 10% OFF: MICHELEROSE10 ▼ CONNECT WITH US INSTAGRAM | @berrymountain.homestead | MICHELE’S CHANNEL | For Business Inquiries, please email Music by Dylan Rockoff – Awake or Asleep -…

VIDEO: Answering Your Questions!

#QA #Homesteading #UrbanGardening #BackYardHomestead #GrowYourOwnFood #RaisedBedGardening Follow me on Instagram @Acre Homestead I had so much fun answering your questions in this Q&A video! I hope you enjoy! Pantry Tour: Garden Tour: Brown Sugar: Drying Leeks: This is not a sponsored video but links in this description box contain affiliate links.…