May 19, 2024

VIDEO: Answering Your Questions!

#QA #Homesteading #UrbanGardening #BackYardHomestead #GrowYourOwnFood #RaisedBedGardening

Follow me on Instagram @Acre Homestead

I had so much fun answering your questions in this Q&A video! I hope you enjoy!

Pantry Tour:
Garden Tour:
Brown Sugar:
Drying Leeks:

This is not a sponsored video but links in this description box contain affiliate links. I will only share links to things that I use daily and love daily!

Some of my favorite gardening tools!
Square Food Seeder:
Canning Cook Book:

Some of my favorite kitchen essential!
Glass Snap Wear:
American Test Kitchen Cooking School:
Pink Himalayan Salt:
Spice Jars:
Large Food Storage Containers:

Azure Standard:
Organic White Flour:

Organic Oats: Https://

Pink Himalayan salt:

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Answering Your Questions!

  1. Love your videos. I have to say you are NOT the average new gardener at all! You are AMAZING! If I had even one-quarter of the success you've had I'd be happy! You've got a green thumb and are rocking it! Your hubby cracks me up with his slug removal efforts lol. Way to go! I've read that pennies around the edge of your raised beds help deter them, but I only see a few a year so don't have any first-hand knowledge.

  2. Do you ever cook simple meals like roast chicken, parsley potatoes and a vegetable or two?. Chicken takes about an hour.
    Or steak, baked potatoes and a huge salad?
    Or pork chops, spplesauce, baked sweet potato and broccoli???
    Or hamburgers with all the fixings, pickles and cole slaw?
    Or salmon one of a million quick ways with almost anything?
    All those sauces, butter, salt, carbs and large portions are going to play havoc with your bodies at some point.. Just ask me: I'm 78 and my infrastructure is crumbling.

  3. We had a slug issue at our old house. We used the beer method and it worked. Bury a container (that you don’t want) up to the lip, fill it halfway with beer. They will fall in and can’t get out. It’s pretty gross.

  4. I can relate to the failure comment. I recently killed my aloe plant. I was so hurt. It was beautiful and several years old. My husband and 15 year old daughter went out and bought me another. I am going to try again.

  5. Hi Becky, unfortunately slugs live on the wooden sides of your raised beds. So when they rot down try doing without them. Then slugs have nowhere to live and are much easy to spot.

  6. Coffee is an organic slug repellant, from google

    Caffeine kills slugs and snails. … Coffee grounds are already recommended as a home remedy for keeping slugs and snails at bay. Grounds repel slugs, Hollingsworth found, but a caffeine solution is much more effective, he says: "Slugs turn back immediately after contacting the [caffeinated soil].

  7. When you say "behind your shop or in the shop" what does that mean ? is it like a workshop with tools etc ? In australia a shop is like a retail store so I am a bit confused as to what a "shop" might be 🙂 ty for anyone who can answer xx

  8. If you have old electric wires then you can remove the copper wires from it and spread around your garden. Copper with +2 ions carries a charge that interferes with a mollusc’s slime, which slugs and snails don’t like and thus avoid.

  9. There is all kind of slug killers out there. First year there was so many they ate everthing. I tryed the beer in a bowl. Every morning i emptied 12 and more in each bowl. Now i use slug magic. You put the pellets out they eat it and go away and die. So easy and is safe for your dogs and birds. So please try it. It will make you life so muck easier.. love your channel Jamie.

  10. Do you change out your soil (if yes, how often) or just add nutrients? I feel like our soil just gets old and stripped of nutrients so quickly.

  11. You might consider raising rabbits. They are fairly easy to care for, the manure can go directly onto the garden and it will not burn, they reproduce pretty easily, and buck and two to four does don’t take up a lot of room and can produce a lot of meat. We lived in Alaska and raised rabbits, poultry and had two goats because my son was allergic to cows milk, on point14 acre. It was easy to care fore, but the poultry was more difficult than the rabbits.

  12. We live in a subdivision and had a garden planted our first year here and one day I looked put and 2 rogue horses were in the garden enjoying the greens. Then the cutworms got them. So we have not done a whole lot of gardening since… Until I came across you!

  13. We do the 'midnight raids' for slugs with a bucket of salted water – you just pluck them off and drop them in! Also, the chickens love them – you might have the chickens root thru the beds before you plant them in the spring, it might help curb the population.

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