December 3, 2024

VIDEO: How to Tell When Your Fruits and Vegetables are Ready to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: There’s nothing quite as rewarding as harvesting your own homegrown fruits and vegetables. But how can you tell when they’re perfectly ripe? Different crops have their own tell-tale signs that let you know when they’re ready to eat. In this video we share our top tips on…

VIDEO: Tomatoes Ripening in 1 Minute – Time Lapse Today is another time for a time lapse with tomatoes ripening really quickly in under 1 minute. This was set at 10 minute intervals and around 500 pictures. Please like for more time lapse videos and stay tuned for next sunday, or maybe a video in between! Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: How to Propagate Grape Vines from semi-ripe cuttings

My video for the weekend, I will demonstrate the easy method of propagating Grape vines from semi-ripe cuttings, In the Summertime. They will start fruiting in about 3-4 years if pruned properly. You may want to use rooting hormone or honey to help rooting. Detailed information: Update: