VIDEO: The ONLY Crop I Know You Can Sow and Grow 4 Times in a Year!
An update and harvest of our 45 day beet project. This was a test to see how many harvests we could get out of our beets. We sowed seeds in April, June, August, and September!
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An update and harvest of our 45 day beet project. This was a test to see how many harvests we could get out of our beets. We sowed seeds in April, June, August, and September!
Succession planting allows you to get a steady continuous harvest all season long, without being overrun by produce all at once.
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See the GrowVeg book here: It’s the middle of summer and harvests are coming thick and fast! But as you pick and pull some very obvious gaps will be starting to appear. To keep your garden productive for as long as possible you need to plug those gaps with more plants, pronto!…
In this video, I outline a great planting method that extends cropping and also increases the productivity of your vegetable garden. Succession sowing and succession planting is a wonderful vegetable gardening technique that should be used wherever possible, and there are a few different types of succession planting which I cover in this video. Want…
You can win friends with salad, if you follow our guidance. These 4 easy steps will turn your bitter lettuce into sweet deliciousness, people will start accepting your dinner invitations, you will climb the social ladder reaching success you never thought possible, all because you listened to our lettuce advice. Learn how to grow lettuce…
If you’re growing in a small amount of space – or even if you have an acre or more at your disposal – it’s important to squeeze as many harvests as possible from your land as possible. That way you get the MOST food for the least effort. I joined up with Brijette from San…
In this latest video, I explain how I use succession gardening to maximize my yields and minimize the downtime that my raised beds have. Grow more, eat more!
Succession planting can seem daunting and overwhelming, but in this guide we will break down the basics of succession planting to offer you the best chance at success in the garden. Curtis Stone’s channel: Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden…
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Ian and Serina open their new package of fall seeds. They purchased a variety of different mustard, spinach and choy to try in the greenhouse and in the garden. With the beginning of September here, it is now or never when it comes to planting the fall garden. Check out what they got and their…
We have tried garlic in the past however we have never got any results until now. Last October we planted in October and it was the first plant to come through in spring. So with the stems leaning over it was time to see what the bulbs where like and then I planted salad rocket,…
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See the GrowVeg book here: Whether you’re starting a new garden or simply a new growing season, planning ahead is the secret to success in any vegetable garden. In this short video we demonstrate how good planning can maximize your harvests and help you grow your biggest, best garden ever! If you…
By succession planting peas and then cucumbers, you can make the best use of both your trellis and your garden space. This video shows you how. For more tips visit and be sure to check out The Beginner’s Garden Podcast on iTunes.
Our awesome sponsor: – This video is packed with 10 ways for you to have a more productive vegetable garden not only in 2017 but beyond. I hope that this video will arm you with more ideas to help increase productivity so you can grow more fruit and vegetables at home and save money.…
See the GrowVeg book here: Sowing or planting into gaps left behind after a crop is harvested is known as succession planting. Filling gaps as soon as crops are harvested will maximize the amount of food you can grow, making your garden space even more valuable and helping to reduce weed growth.…
See the GrowVeg book here: Most gardeners want to grow more in the space they have – a more productive garden gives a bigger harvest with less time spent weeding. This video presents 5 tried-and-tested methods for getting more from the growing area you have. We also demonstrate how our online Garden…
See the GrowVeg book here: Succession Planting is where you grow more than one crop in the same area of ground during different parts of the year. The Garden Planner helps you to organize succession planting by enabling you to view your plan for different months, showing which vegetables herbs and fruit…