VIDEO: 158 Days in 40 Seconds – Peter Pepper
Peter pepper chili growing from seed to fully grown plant with fruit in 158 days.
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Peter pepper chili growing from seed to fully grown plant with fruit in 158 days.
Radishes grows incredibly fast and are super easy to grow. Just stick a seed in the ground and wait a few weeks.
3rd time trying to grow a cauliflower and this time it went quite alright. This time i had the grow light on a timer (18h on/4h off) since it didn’t seem to like the 24h light the first two times. I would have wanted to get more of the head of the cauliflower growing on…
1210 Days so almost 3,5 years of footage. And yes i know, mushrooms are still not plants See you in the next video! 0:00 DATE PALM 0:54 DWARF SUNFLOWER 1:32 APRICOT 2:24 AJI CRISTAL 3:05 BIRCH 3:50 FIRECRACKER CHILI PEPPER 4:34 THAI BASIL 5:18 REISHI MUSHROOM 6:03 ORANGE CAYENNE 6:50 JAMAICAN BELL PEPPER Some…
In this time-lapse video, you will see how easy it is to grow oyster mushrooms in a bag. Watch as the mushrooms germinate and grow day by day, until they are ready for harvest. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, it’s always fun to watch how fast mushrooms grow in a bag. Don’t…
As usual I’m ending the year with a compilation of my favorite videos from 2022. Thank you everyone for watching, subscribing, sharing and commenting! Happy new year! More cool stuff coming 2023. 0:00 BAMBOO 0:32 CUCUMBER 1:10 STARFRUIT 2:02 PURPLE BELL PEPPER 2:40 HYDROPONIC LILA LUZI 3:16 PETER PEPPER…
This is not exactly how you are supposed to use the grow kit but if you do it this way they grow to look alien like. This happens because of the high CO2 environment inside the bag. Reishi (Ganoderma lucium) is not really a mushroom that is used for cooking. It is most often used…
This one is probably one of the worst looking pepper plants i have ever grown. I even thought about not posting it, but even though the plant look really bad the peppers look cool Other names for this pepper is The bishop’s crown, Christmas bell, or joker’s hat Some of the links below are…
Betula pubescens, commonly known as: downy birch, moor birch, white birch, European white birch or hairy birch. Seed germinated super fast that was nice. I never really know when to end these time-lapses of things that don’t produce fruit or flowers. I could go on for longer but they would just grow a bit in…
What can be grown in December? Kohlrabi can be Growing in Fall or Autumn and is a vegetable grown in December, here we will be looking at the growing process of some purple Kohlrabi seedlings in a 10 days Time-lapse plant video with some interesting video clips and images from seed to harvest.
I’m not sure but i might have overwatered it slightly in the beginning, I have to pay more attention in the future. But it recovered and made some beautiful fruits Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music from Epidemic Sound: Forever to Run – Howard Harper-Barnes Epidemic sound 30 day free trial:…
Growing kale from seed, not that exciting. Lower leaves died off in the end, could be multiple reasons for that. At least this one is done and i can move on to more interesting plants Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music from Epidemic Sound: Prescient – Howard Harper-Barnes Epidemic sound 30…
Use discount code “BOXLAPSE” for 15% off on the Botanium website. You can also find it on Amazon: I tried the Botanium self-watering planter and i really like it! it uses soil-less growing technology and you can grow herbs and vegetables super easily. And it has a minimalist design that looks good. Using…
Time for another compilation to give the other projects some more time to grow. 0:01 ACORN 1:22 ORANGE MINI BELL PEPPER 2:10 LEMON 3:30 POMEGRANATE 4:23 CUCUMBER 5:22 STARFRUIT 6:24 BAMBOO 7:16 FLOWER MIX Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music from Epidemic Sound: The Road Less Travelled – Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen A…
First time growing bamboo. I had no idea how it was going to look like or how it was going to behave, i just ordered some random bamboo seeds and planted them It did turn out alright but started to loose some leaves in the end. btw i’m only posting every other week at…
i don’t know what’s more commonly used, Carambola or Star fruit. The leaves are light-sensitive so if you watch the video all the way to the end you can see the leaves moving, i think the plant is a bit confused with the constant light I will keep this one going as well, so…
The pot was too small but it still managed to produce one nice cucumber despite all the yellow leaves. I would gladly have huge pots for all the plants i film but space is still an issue in the studio. But not for long, i am moving soon This was a hybrid greenhouse cucumber…
Not really a tree yet i will keep this one going, update video July 2023. I missed one day in the middle due to the camera turning off and i tried to make it look smooth, it’s not perfect though there is a slight jump. Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music…
Obviously this is not a seed to fruit video although that would be cool. This was actually my third time trying this, the first two times the plant started to loose all its leaves and died after a while. I fixed it by buying proper soil “Mediterranean Plants and Palm Soil” and citrus tree…
My favorite thing to grow is definitely peppers of all kinds and colors, both sweet and spicy. I have some purple ones on the way as well, quite exited about those See you next week! Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music from Epidemic Sound: Rendezvous in D Minor – Trevor Kowalski…
This one got totally overrun by bugs, i think they are thrips. I cant seem to get rid of them completely, they always come back. They managed to suck the life out of the flowers at the end so they looked a bit rough. The seed packets name was “japanese flowercarpet” so im not quite…
Some acorns might require cold stratification before they will sprout. The main stem got stuck that’s why it sprouted two new ones instead. And it got a bit stressed by the move from the water to the pot, but it started slowly recovering after a while. Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music::…
Yes i know, mushroom is not a plant 0:13 APPLE TREE 1:19 CAROLINA REAPER 2:31 CARROT 3:24 OYSTER MUSHROOM 4:24 PETER PEPPER 5:30 PURPLE PEA 6:08 11 FIG TREE 6:59 CILANTRO/CORIANDER Some of the links below are affiliate links: Music from Epidemic Sound: The Final Cut – Hampus Naeselius The Story Begins – Hampus…
Wasn’t sure if i should call it Cilantro or Coriander but i guess it doesn’t matter also it took a bit longer then i was expecting but it happens. Thank you to Canon Herring who composed the music for this video: Some of the links below are affiliate links: Epidemic sound 30 day…
So i was a bit disappointed that they don’t look like what they are supposed to look like ( Some of the fruits had a slight resemblance but only a bit, maybe the plant that these seeds came from were cross pollinated with some other peppers. I just planted a yellow version with seeds…
This one has been laying in the drawer for quite some time, i wasn’t sure if i was going to post it or not. The mushroom itself looks quite bad, the environment was way too dry for it. The point of the video was mostly to catch the mycelium growth and it kind of worked…
A purple podded pea plant which wasn’t even that exciting And the plant started to loose its leaves at the end. But i managed to get a cool closeup shot of the pod growing so I’m satisfied with the result. I’m trying to grow the boxlapse Facebook page so if you want to help…
To avoid spreading misinformation most of the store bought fresh fig seeds are not able to germinate so you are probably better off buying seeds meant for planting. If you are able to get you hands on a fresh pollinated fig i wouldn’t maybe recommend doing as in the video and just putting one seed…
i’m planning on planting this one outside in the spring and setting up a camera in some kind of weather proof box and making this a forever project with yearly updates, lets see how that goes. i don’t know what kind of fruit it will produce though Music from Epidemic Sound: Morning Solitude -…
It took me 4 tries and 1,5 years to get this one somewhat right. Should have adjusted the camera angle a bit earlier but unfortunately there are no reshoots when you do these kind of timelapses Bugs attacked the green parts again at day 26 but i managed to get rid of them. The…