March 28, 2025

VIDEO: OGS Cuba Tour Testimonials

Learn about the experience of traveling to Cuba with the Organic Growers School, straight from the mouths of the participants of the 2019 tour. Sign up for and learn about our 2021 tour on our website, at Thanks to Bryan Divisions for the filming and assembly! Find him on instagram at @bryandivisions

VIDEO: NO Vacation for YOU, Homesteader!

The unicorn is being pulled once again! Think you’re going to be away from that farmstead you’ve built with dairy animals and more? Think again. Let’s chat it up! Enjoy & thank you for watching! xo Like, Subscribe & Ring the bell! Safari De-Matting Comb HERE: *afflink ~CHECK OUT *Discovering Appalachia with Patara* HERE:…

VIDEO: GGC – 22c – Viking Shields

Now on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, we visited L’Anse aux Meadows, the 1000 year old Viking encampment and site of the first European contact with North America. A Viking reenacter discusses the colour and use of a Viking shield. There are 3 other videos in this series – be sure to check them out…