March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Making the Ultimate Seed Starting Mix

MORE STUFF LIKE THIS @ The ultimate seed starting mix has arrived! it is fairly simple to make, and your plants will appreciate it! I go over the reasons to use this versus other plant mixes, and I also I discuss the reasons behind traditional methods and why they are inferior for starting plants.…

VIDEO: Get Your Composting Worms to Digest Faster

MORE TIPS LIKE THIS @ Worms need a few basic necessities to compost food scraps, if they are given these few basic things, your worms will compost faster, and be more productive in general. Worms have gizzards, much like chickens. and they need something to move the soft food through their gizzard, and in…

VIDEO: Week 4 Hybrid Aquaponic Update

Week 4 of the hybrid aquaponics setup. things are looking great, an things are really growing! I can’t wait to see how it looks in 2 more weeks! MIgardener Store: Join the fun on facebook @ +1 me on Google+ @ Pin me on Pinterest @ Follow the fun on twitter…

VIDEO: Something VERY Exciting Coming To MIgardener

This news is bound to excite you, but if it doesn’t then it will not affect you in the least! enjoy! MIgardener Store: Join the fun on facebook @ +1 me on Google+ @ Pin me on Pinterest @ Follow the fun on twitter @ Send mail to: PO box…

VIDEO: Cheap and Easy $35 Aquaponics / Hydroponics Setup

MORE STUFF LIKE THIS @ How to build the cheapest and easiest setup for aquaponics and hydroponics! If this works, this setup could just be the cheapest aquaponics setup ever. But it ALSO will relook at the way we see aquaponics setups in the future. No longer will you need multiple pumps and reservoirs,…

VIDEO: How to Plant a Fruit Tree – Essential Steps

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Whatever the size of your growing space, with a little planning and maintenance, you can grow beautiful, productive fruit trees in your garden. In this video we demonstrate essential early tasks when planting a fruit tree, which will greatly improve the long term health and fruit production…

VIDEO: How to Grow Goji Berries or Wolfberries

Get your goji berry plant right HERE: MORE TIPS LIKE THIS @ : Have you ever wanted to have your very own superfruit? Do you hate spending top dollar at health food stores for goji berries? Well now you don’t have to! Plant a goji berry also known as the wolfberry. It grows…

VIDEO: The Benefits of Mulching Tomatoes

Much like the back to Eden method, I prefer to just refer this as the “back to common sense” gardening. because it is so common sense, and I think everyone should do this. I have seen at my house and time and time again the effects of mulching is just stunning. MIgardener Store: Join…

VIDEO: First Bean Harvest + Garden Update

Everyone! come join me in this ever so random, spur of the moment harvest! I really am beginning to love green beans. never get tired of harvesting, and never do I look at a plant and say, “naaaa I don’t feel like picking those” Its just fun! And my peppers and tomatoes have lot their…

VIDEO: How to Make an Easy Self-Watering Container for Herbs and Vegetables In this video I show you a really easy way to make a self-watering container out of some large cups but you could use anything. Please give it a go it’s great! I have just written a post about bottle tower gardens and check it out: Please subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: MIgardener Update Marathon – Compost Pile

Second installment of three on the gardens! This time its the compost pile. And I am happy with the progress. I will say it needs to speed up if it ever wants to be called compost by the end of this growing season. MIgardener Store: Join the fun on facebook @ Follow the…

VIDEO: How to stop Pepper Flowers Falling off

Hi! In this video I will be telling you several ways to stop your Pepper flowers and buds from falling off, one of these solutions will be bound to solve your problem so take a look now! Please check out and subscribe to my Other Channel: FB: And these two great channels:…