June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Roses from Cuttings – Cloning Rose Propagation




This video demonstrates how to propagate roses from cuttings. It is best to select healthy growth just after they’ve flowered around August time. Cut just below a leaf set, remove the first two sets of leaves, and cut at an angle to prevent water from entering the cut. Apply rooting powder, make a hole, and place the cutting in the soil. Water occasionally and wait a few weeks to see the progress.


  • The video shows how to propagate roses from cuttings
  • Best to select healthy growth just after they’ve flowered around August time
  • Cut just below a leaf set and remove the first two sets of leaves
  • Cut at an angle to prevent water from entering the cut
  • Apply rooting powder and make a hole to place the cutting in the soil
  • Water occasionally and wait a few weeks to see the progress

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Roses from Cuttings – Cloning Rose Propagation

  1. Yes you can root a wild rose but it's best to remove the rose hips so that the cutting concentrates on rooting, you can grow them from seeds but find another video for that as I can't explain, sorry about that but thanks for watching and good luck

  2. Thank you so much for this/these videos . I just wish you spoke "English" the way I can understand it! 🙂 just kidding but I am in the U.S and am not familiar with "proper English" spoken by the English. But, I am learning………….

  3. Should have watched the videos first! I managed to 'get' 3 long rose stems. Cut off the thorns and leaves. Cut them into 4inch pieces, making sure there were at least 3 nodes on each stick. Wounded each piece and they are now soaking in water. I think I murdered 3 stalks of rose bush as your video has the leaves still on the cuttings. Well I am going to put honey on the ends and stick them in some potting mix, cover with plastic and hope for the best. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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