March 13, 2025

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Using Plastic Bottles for Cuttings – Reusing old Bottles

  1. The audio is just a bit hard to understand, are you saying you dip the cuttings in honey and then directly into the soil? If that's the case, is the honey serving as your rooting hormone?

  2. do you put holes in bottles for drainage please? can i grow anything in bottles?…..i have loads and yet ive never thort of this..ive been buying pots and storing small plants in them before planting.

  3. Yes you do put holes in the bottom for drainage around 2-3. You can start cuttings in bottles and use them as pots to transplant in to for a while. You could try growing some vegetables in them I haven't tried that yet but I should. May bey long carrots could be grown that way, it's fun to experiment so I would try it out! Thanks for watching, Huw

  4. thanks for your reply, i have a bin full of bottles…so thats going to save me buying pots. i found your other video last night..where you was putting holes in them and cartons. im goint to try the beaker method too.

  5. dont know if you or your viewers use bottles the same as me but if not feel free to copy, i get a 2litre bottle cut the bottom off, remove the lid turn upside down, add a couple of tiny holes to add sting to, place a tomate/pepper etc in the "drinking" part of the bottle which snow facing the ground and tie it o a fencepost etc and BANG a freeupside down planter, also ifyou want colour te bottle in so the roots dont get sunburn through clear bottle 🙂 enjoy

  6. yes of course gardening is about sharing ideas and tips, please share them all, on start of my vids the lil intro you will see my 5 or 6 pics while the music is on and i have pepper upside downer in there (results i got not as much as in ground but pepper calafornia wonder got 5-10 peppers per 2litre pot so worth it with space) the tommys get around 20beef n 40 cherry per 2litre, hope you try it and do well on it and if you strugle il do a quick vid so you can copy 🙂

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