June 11, 2024

VIDEO: Quail/chicken run build lessons learnt.mp4

This is an update to the previous video “How to build a quail or chicken run.” This video details some of the “lessons learnt” since the build, and what improvements or adjustments I’ve made to the run. A written article about this can be found on my blog at www.selfsufficientme.com

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Quail/chicken run build lessons learnt.mp4

  1. Well done on building your run and getting some quail! I'm always learning something new about these birds. Mine have stopped laying too. Quail will generally only start laying after about 8 weeks and then stop as the days get shorter coming into winter. Unless an artificial light is used, quail won't likely lay until winters end as it starts warming up and the days get longer. Yeah, my males have been less noisy also after moving them to the larger run – hope it remains that way 🙂

  2. Thank you for your videos – they've very helpful to me. I'm in Oregon, US and will be getting chickens tomorrow – 8 and 1 rooster – never had any before and you've made me braver to build a run for them – I have 1/3rd acre but also have dogs so it's in our best interest to make a run for the chickens. Thanks again.

  3. Thank you for your kind comment. I really hope you fall in love with chickens and good luck with your build – remember, the run doesn't have to be or look perfect it just has to work. cheers, Mark

  4. Hi i just wondered firstly how many quails do you keep in your coop? Secondly like chickens do male quails crow? Next how many eggs do they lay? Finaly have you cliped your quaios wings and do you need to if there in a confined space like your coop?

  5. G'Day Harry, to answer your questions, my pen can easily hold 100 quail comfortably but I usually keep no more than about 40 at a time – it's a real club Med for quail. Yes, male quail make a call quite loud not as loud as a rooster (listen to some of my vids and you'll hear them. Happy quail hens will lay one egg a day through spring/summer than stop laying through winter. There is no need to clip Jap quail wings as they only fly a short distance then they are pooped-out and easily caught.

  6. Thanks. I think if you have a lot of predators an enclosed run is the only way to go. I often see hawks and even owls stalking our quail from outside the pen – there's no way they can get in but they sit and watch. Found a python the other morning curled up against the cage he probably tried all night to get in…Ha! I hope you find acreage living fun (I'm sure you will) – my bucket list is to visit Canada one day. Cheers 🙂

  7. Have you tried to add supplemental lighting to get them to lay year round or do you prefer them to take the break? I figure it might not be the easiest to run lights to your pen setting though. Just wondered if you tried and how it worked out for you if so. Your pen has inspired me to mine like yours…I appreciate your helpful videos you made on this! Excited to create my home for my soon to be quails 🙂

  8. Yes, initially when I first got quail I considered ways to keep them laying all year (ie) get lighting etc. However, as I learn't more about them I found it was better for the quails health & also breeding (stronger chicks) to let the mums have a rest during their natural cycle which is through winter when daylight shortens. I guess I like my quail to live as happy a life as possible (just like my hens & ducks) because I don't have the commercial pressure to produce I can. Good luck with yours!

  9. Hi jmercer1820, thanks for your kind comment 🙂 Yes, I need to rake the litter and remove it with a shovel and wheelbarrow about every 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer depending on how many birds I have). I place the litter into my vegetable garden as a fertiliser mulch or into the compost to use later. My size pen takes a small bale of sugar cane mulch but you can use other litter of course like hay/straw, sand, or wood shaving etc.

  10. I know you recommend quail on the ground. But I have a bird dog I need to protect them from. So, I want to build a wicking bed off the ground. I want to make it 3 ft (1 meter?) by 10 ft (3 meters). I want it to be about 2 feet off the ground and the total height of the cage 6 ft (2 meters?). I want to try to grow bamboo and stuff in there for them. I'm thinking they will still be on dirt and won't have to look at the dog. Of course I will use hardware cloth and stuff for predator protection. I want to keep 6-10 birds. Is this nuts?

  11. UUP I heard yo say one for dinner, off to the next clip sorry I do not show interest in people who can kill such tiny little birds for what?….2 or 3 little bites of meat?. SAD SAD SAD.

  12. i just found u here on youtube and im loving all the videos . ive learned sooooo much. i will be making a quail pen like the one u made. i love u ❣ thank u so much for all u r teaching us . from USA Alabama !

  13. I'm really impressed with your quail run and way of living. (Not to say that I envy in a good way)
    I've been watching your vids all day long. Can't way to build my own run too.

    Thanks for all the information.
    From Goiás, Brazil.

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