In this video I will explain the basics of starting you own plant nursery from scratch with a few things to think about and do before you really get your fingers dirty! Don’t worry you will not see me talking all the time in the next videos. First off is the boring(ish) things then moving on to all sorts of videos to get your nursery up and running.
If you are in to gaming check out my friends channel:
And a great gardening channel:
No problem! Thanks
Well done and thank you for watching!
Thank you, those propagation videos will be up soon but there will be a lot of them!
Thank you for your advice and for watching!
Your welcome!
Great video Huw. It is great to see you taking the initiative to start your own business. This is something I plan to start although more as a hobby than a business.
Thanks and I am pleased you are going to start a hobby plant nursery! Good luck in it and when you do it post some videos!
If they can help pay for garden stuff then that is all good.
yeah I agree!
Thanks for watching!!
Very good and informative video Huw, can't wait for the next one
Thank you for watching! The next one should be sometime mid week!
Yes….he's like a young Tom Cruise isn't he! (Without the craziness of course….) (;o)
I'm fine with that
i am planning to start an online plantsales website im looking forward to starting it up look forward to seeing more of your videos
Ah great keep me updated on how it goes
thanks for watching
A carefully thought out and informative introduction to this subject – well done – from NZ
I watch all your videos you are so good I love gardening and would like to no about the top 5 plants to start growing thank
What the website you get plugs from
Thanks Huw, I've learned loads from that.
thank u so much for starting me on my way to start my plant nursery. I have worked hard this spring and summer and I now have 500 plants growing in my nursery.
You mentioned a plant that sold like hotcakes, can you give me the spelling for that?
Thanks for sharing your beautiful ideas , I really appreciate that and I found this video very useful.
I thought I couldn't do this but I tried anyways. I ended up going a little nuts on how many cuttings I did on various plants like dappled willow, hydrangea, Spirea, Arborvitae, etc. Ended up with like 1,00 plants. A guy called me off of Craig's list on something else, and when he noticed what was going on in my back yard, he wanted to check it out, I said" these dappled willows, I'll hope to sell for 7 bucks once they grow a little bit bigger for next year", he said, " They seem like a decent size, but since I have the trailer with me, could I get 30 of them for like 5 a piece?" So I made 150 dollars not even expecting it from plants that weren't even big enough for a 1 gallon pot yet! Since I produced them like in an assembly line, I probably only had like an hour , maybe 2 into those 30 plants. He then brought his wife back the next day and she bought only 5 plants of all different types. so that was another 25 bucks. That was last year, now the dappled willows will go for at least 10 to 15 bucks a piece based on the big box stores. Mine are so much better too, because I properly pruned them over the past 2 years. Pruning each plant takes about 5 seconds a plant. I think I'm on to something!
Thank you SO much for linking to the other videos in the series. It seems difficult on YouTube to find the other videos for some reason, even doing a search. It is so helpful when creators put the links in. Love all of your videos. Thank you for sharing what you learn.
Brilliant channel I'm interested of starting a plant bus but come across theirs some plants are protected from taking cuttings… you know what's on that list
Oh my goodness! I can't believe how far you've come, in both presentation and production.
Could you believe, sitting there, that you'd have people not just watching your videos, but buying your books and stuff too!
Thanks for keeping at it all this time, you've really done some good here.
Is there a part two? Can't find
i still cant believe how this boy turn into a hunky daddy now in 2020/2021…