June 12, 2024

VIDEO: Contest Update, Facebook contests and New Garden!

So to start the day off, Dad said that I was allowed this area for my own garden! It will be great where I can grow loads more vegetables, get in another greenhouse and build around 7-10 raised beds! I will also take more cuttings of soft fruit and some trees now and experiment with organic gardening, what a present! It’s just a question now of working and saving up to get the soil and raised beds and to fence it off, but it’s going to look lovely when I finish, the next part is just an update on the ‘Almost’ contest about what you will win (inc 20 organic seed packets) and then about a new thing I am doing called Facebook contests, watch the video to find out more and any response on what you think the new garden is like would be great, thanks and remember to check out these channels….
http://www.youtube.com/user/D0MJSY http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKiwiGrower
http://www.youtube.com/user/GardenFrugal http://www.youtube.com/user/PeterJEntwistle

and my Facebook page and account: https://www.facebook.com/huws.nursery


Thankyou and happy gardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Contest Update, Facebook contests and New Garden!

  1. Congratulations on the new piece of land for the garden expansion–That is awesome!! I'm exciting to see the before and after expansion of your new area. Hope more ppl join you and enter : )

  2. Hi, Huw! Great of your dad to give you an area like that…no doubt you will do wonders. I think you should create what is called a 'potager' garden…that is an old-fashioned word French word for an ornamental kitchen garden so it would be a mixture of vegetables, flowers and herbs. x

  3. I would love a hand, but this is going to take months of getting the money and materials, hopefully in the spring I can start planting things in it, no just a gift, my birthday's in January, thanks

  4. I would like to have my own TV show but I guess in Britain, and many other countries I'd have a hard time with other teenagers making fun on me having a garden, that's the way it is here:( Thanks for watching

  5. WHY would anyone make fun of you? I first saw your honey mango video as there are some on sale in my store and heard that regular mango tasted like an apple, peach and pine! Ewww..so I asked what a honey mango tasted like and found YOUR video! I also saw your geranium cuttings..I absolutely think you are beyond a very articulate young man, now reckoning you are a teen. Do things grow better in Britain? Also, can you take the seeds from pepperocini..so tiny..dry them and plant them?

  6. Do not have a way to compost to make ones own 'soil'. What is the best commercial soil to grow? I live in an apartment with not much room to grow much of anything. I did see where someone grew a pepper plant for one of your contests. They looked like possibly habanero, a very hot pepper, yes? Keep up the great work and ignore those ignorant people! They have nothing but anger and hate in them which is so sad. I am grateful to see a young man doing such good things!

  7. I watched your video of taking grapevine cuttings early last year. I tried it on two really good grapevines in the garden on the first of January this year after putting a reminder on my phone when I watched the video. My cuttings have just sprouted their first buds in the greenhouse. Thanks for the tips and techniques it has saved me a fortune in garden centre expenditure.

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