March 18, 2025

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Research, Network, Organize for the Self Sufficient Life

  1. Your point about being organized really hit home. The older I get the more unorganized I seem to become. I've got to get that under control. It's true. You can;'t think straight when everything around you is unorganized.

  2. Research,with wiki and youtube it has become a bit more easier but yeah, books are better, Network,….lamentably in the "hood" where i live, most people are one for one and not for all,…sad,….seems like we prefer goin' to the supermarket for the groceries, when we need a painter, we hire the main man, etc. I've begun to shop locally at mom and pop shops, i've begun to get more in touch with my neighbors, its hard but organization is the key to livin' better, SS Life! *****

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