June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Natural Pest Control for Healthy Plants in your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
Watching as your plants are being destroyed by pests like slugs, aphids or cabbage worm can be very frustrating. However, there are many ways to use nature’s own organic pest controls to avoid your crops being damaged in this way. This video demonstrates simple pest control techniques which can help you to reduce harmful pests and stop them from damaging your fruit and vegetables. We explain which methods work best for different types of pests, as well as how to use natural habitats and barriers for future protection.

A simple way to find out which pests attack which plants is to follow the plant guides in our Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Natural Pest Control for Healthy Plants in your Vegetable Garden

  1. I have a problem with these black ants in my strawberries. It's been killing my strawberry plants. I've been taking them out by hand it has helped a little. Is there anything else that I can do? Would appreciate your opinion. Thanks it' a great video.

  2. Ants like dry conditions, so keeping the strawberry bed moist may help, and blasting with water from a hose can dislodge ants and send them scurrying off temporarily – this probably won't get rid of them completely though. Surrounding the plants with diatomaceous earth may help to deter them. If you're feeling particularly sadistic you can pour boiling water down the ants' nest to kill them.

  3. I think that it gets real hot and maybe I have to wet them everyday while the heat is on. We have had as high as 102 degrees. I can't put hot water because it's a canister. I started to kill them by hand. Thanks because I forgot that ants likes dry areas. thanks for your help really appreciate it

  4. but, remember: boiling water wreaks havoc on bacteria and worms, too, so it depends on your tolerance and your holistic approach. Not a judgment, just an expanded view.
    Happy Gardening! Love my GrowVeg program!!!!!

  5. Many tips good to practice, and sure will help. Good video, thanks for sharing.Killing ants has to be done (sorry), they are getting inside the house and around anywhere in the kitchen. While my balcony plants when there is ants – sure aphids as well. Spray for ants..and sure …..

  6. I found this post very educational! This video presented various ways on how to control pest which is very useful to all kinds of gardeners. Through this video, I've learned how to protect and conserve my garden. You will never regret on watching this! One thing for sure is that I will truly recommend this video! 

  7. Hi, I live in Costa Rica and since here is really humid and rainy some of our trees suffer from a weird kind of fungus that starts growing in the bark. Can you do a video about this other type of "pests" or any other type of harmful stuff that can affect the plants rather than insects? That's happening to our mango tree but I'm concerned that it might also affect other stuff I'm planning to plant on some pots. It haven't affect any other plants on my garden but I'm still concerned though.

  8. Someone recently suggested to a gardening group to which I belong using duct tape to remove eggs and insects from the leaves of your plants. He said it works very well, so make that one more non-standard way to use duct tape.

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