March 15, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seed saving how I save sweet peas

  1. Sweet peas,…..this cold weather crop would be great as a winter crop, as summer's too hot(our clime is sub-tropical, semi-arid type), but due to the high altitude it does get a li'l chilly up here, that's probably why many local farmers grow a very valuable cash crop….BROCCOLI! Thumbs up good buddy!

  2. Have you tested this method with the beans as well? I`m shaking in my pants these days, because the rowdeers have started running around the house for fallen apples, and of course, -my dearest beans are in danger… 😉

    Regards, Halvor.

  3. I have saved dried sweet pea seeds & placed in airtight container. They have started to shoot. It's mid-summer here in South Australia & not right time to sow. How can I prevent this happening? Cooler storage? Currently they are stored in a cupboard average temp 24-25 degrees F

  4. My sweet pea has been blown down by a gust recently. So I decided to take them down and had to cut the mature green pods. I just wonder what should I do with them? Should I leave the pods to dry then take the seeds out or pop the seeds out and dry them on the try?

  5. Thank you for this video. I pulled up my plants to plant another crop. Some of my pods were fat, but still green. I am glad to know I did right by saving them – "just in case".

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