June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to Make you Hot Peppers even Hotter in 3 Spicy Steps

In this video I give you three methods to make your peppers even hotter, by watering them the right amount, giving them the right amount of sunlight and how to do something different that you would do to no other vegetable or fruit. Watch this video to help you out and thanks to Ray from the http://www.youtube.com/user/Praxxus55712 channel!

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make you Hot Peppers even Hotter in 3 Spicy Steps

  1. looks like you've made 5000 subscribers so congratulations.

    I've enjoyed getting practical growing info from your videos. I'm still looking for a place to grow stuff but I'm making preparations in advance.
    I'll be looking forward to reading your article once you've released it.

    Thank you

  2. Thank you so much for the information. My jalapenos were not so hot this year.  I did keep them watered…not next year. They are going on a 'water restricted' diet.  :0)  Lark

  3. Adding sulfur to soil via match heads makes em hotter as well, also spray leaves with magnesium water. 1/4 tbsp to 1 quart sprayer.
    Epsom salt works best fr this. I cut the heads off of "strike anywhere" kitchen matches and bury them in the soil. Usually twenty or more match heads per plant.

  4. I went on vacation for a week and my peppers got minimal water, the first harvest after we returned, my wife said they were unusually hot. I was wondering if the reduced watering had something to do with it, from what you said, just figure that was it. Now, I'll water every 3 days instead of every other day.oh, I'd like to add that mine are potted(there are 3 plants in a 12" pot) and I over winter them in the home, so they are on their third season, right now Aug 20, there are probably 50 or more peppers on these plants and it's less than a foot tall, have been harvesting all summer, 10-30/week. Also, I'd add that these little jewels are wayyy too hot for me to eat,(they'll burn a hole in my tongue)and I like hot foods,my wife is Chinese and she says they are a little hot(she's crazy) I think mine are Sriracha peppers(they are very sweet and blazing hot)variety, but I really don't know. I can cook with them but My wife eats them like popcorn, a new meaning to the term "Sh%t fire, lol. Oh, and I use a small amount of 10-10-10 fertilizer a couple times a year,once in the spring when they go out for the Summer and ounce about mid season, and they flourish here in Colorado USA

  5. An old farmer notorious for ridiculously hot unnamed peppers once told me to take a skinny switch and smack the plant every once and a while and that was his secret. I know it sounds crazy, but ever since I have been growing super hots I have done this and even my mild peppers can become scorchers. By the way you don't have to damage the plant, just a few good swats.

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