A very quick lesson on the benefits of wood ash. I will have longer videos coming soon, but my schedual is packed, so I am doing the best I can do! hang in there yall! I hope you enjoy this video, and found it informative as well.
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I like the idea of shorter videos, but how do you apply wood ash? Just dump it around your plants and trees? Is it okay if there are worms in your soil? And, can it be put in compost?
Ive always used ash in my gardens but not on my acid loving blueberries or potatoes. It is better to use it after composting if you have a lot of charcoal in it. The charcoal will absorb nutrients and then slowly release it into your garden soil.
Thx for this video! Time to have a BBQ to help my plant buddies
I have a video on making Bio-Char for your garden , and i talk alittle about it. How to make Biochar to Enrich your garden
yes do more howto videos and tip videos they are helpful
All good info! Wish I had a fire place.
Really enjoy the shorter videos. You can pack a lot of information into two and a half minutes!
Very good, I've been burning off wood collected on my property and spreading the ashes under my fruit trees.
Awesome tip! Just curious… What does Kyle Coulson mean in his comment below by saying to "activate the charcoal first before adding it to the garden"? What does activating the charcoal mean and how do you do that?
@***** he was actually getting it confused with something else. biochar does not have to be activated. it naturally absorbs nutrients, and allows plants to reach them. it also gives a home for microbes, fungi, and bacteria which are great for the garden. it can't be broken down because it is pure carbon and can't decompose any more.
Great short video packed with excellent info! Always wondered how to use ash and just haven't had a chance to research it yet. Now I know! Just watched a video by One Yard Revolution on Biochar with some excellent info on what it is and why it is effective in the garden. Goes along well with this video!
great info, we just added some ash to our compost pile yesterday!! hope it helps. keep the great videos coming thanks.
To those of you that don't have a fire place: The next time you have a BBQ use
the the real wood char cole. Simple.
Wood ash is also a great deterrent for slugs, they hate crawling across it. Simply put a thin layer on the soil around your plants.
Biochar is wonderful stuff. I have had wonderful results with it. However, I like your explanation here as you demonstrate the difference between char and ash.
thanks……………….going to try it
Do you advise putting ash in compost?
thank you!
hey, is 7th safe to use ash after it rains. after it dries again that is
I've been burning wood and the odd plastic bag or bottle in my garden bin can I use it for the garden
His expression @1:48 after he says "wood ash" is priceless lol. Like he feels it came out the wrong way
can you put wood ash in your soil when you are about to plant because i heard it can burn your plants, is there any truth to that?
Good vid
Hey can I use a mix of hard wood and pine For the food plot?
U a fool, wood ashes highly toxic, people get very sick,
A few have died
Very helpful garden tip, I'm going to roll around in my garden as soon as I can, let's be YouTube mate?
Very good