June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Care for Chickens or Ducks When You Go Away on Vacation Holiday

Here’s my main tips for preparing your chickens or ducks for going away on vacation / holiday. This video shows some simple and practical steps to ensure your birds will stay healthy and safe whilst you are away. Visit my blog http://www.selfsufficientme.com/

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Care for Chickens or Ducks When You Go Away on Vacation Holiday

  1. That's so funny how eager the ducks were to get back into the dam again! I could watch your videos of the ducks and chickens for hours 🙂

  2. Have you ever considered a livestock guardian dog such as an Anatolian Shepherd dog for security for your chickens and ducks? A well trained livestock guardian will make short work of wild dogs or foxes should they attempt to prey on your poultry.

  3. I hope in a couple years we might get a place with some yard to have some chickens. We love eggs, so it'd be really nice to be able to get our own, and of course chickens are darn adorable. These vids are very helpful on general curiosity for now, and will hopefully be a big help later on 🙂

  4. For $100 you buy a electric fencer . All you need is one wire around your pen approx 12 inches of the ground
    No dog raccoon or fox , not even a bear will try to get in.
    It's actually very funny to see a raccoon touching it and start running in the opposite direction .

  5. Great Video. best to be safe than sorry they say. You're looking after thier best interests & wellbeing. Just a hint, its probably best not to announce online that you'll be away from home for a period o of time. Keep it general & just talk about what you do generally when you're away. There are crazy/dishonest people out there that might track down where you live & take advantage of there not anyone being home. Cheers.

  6. Very nice video. Now a days DOG CAMS are very popular. I think it will work out very well if you have a designated camera for shooting the day to day life of your chickens, quail and ducks. I am very excited just imagining it esp. because you have a pretty sweet set up.

  7. The only reason im scared of getting ducks is because I go on vacation usually during summer and holidays, I’m not a farmer or anything like that, i have never owned farm animals.. but I think I’m ready to raise ducklings

  8. I wish all the chickens and ducks in this world could be treated so well.
    And I wish I lived in your neighbourhood!
    Looks like a beautiful place to live and you are a really great person to care for your flock as you do.!

  9. I loved it. I am in PA, USA, and have been thinking of getting some chickens. I was hoping to see what type of hen house you had, but it seems its something you made yourself. I really enjoyed the video. I will keep you posted in the Spring if everything falls together for me.

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