June 26, 2024

VIDEO: Mark’s Allotment Garden Vegetables Raised Beds & Self Sufficient Backyard Intro

This video gives an overview of my allotment vegetable garden which is set central in my backyard. It covers raised bed gardening, what I’m growing now, and the overall set-up. The intent is to make this an introduction on my vegetable garden layout and then from now on release mostly shorter length videos on certain aspects… So, I hope you forgive this video for being a little lengthy 🙂

One last (and I think interesting) point is how our growing season here in subtropical SE Queensland (winter) happens to coincide with spring in the USA, UK, and other parts of Europe. This actually means I can share information about growing similar food plants on a similar timeline with my friends all across the world and I think that’s COOL 🙂 Blog: http://www.selfsufficientme.com/

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mark’s Allotment Garden Vegetables Raised Beds & Self Sufficient Backyard Intro

  1. Love that bean.  The whole yard looks great mate.  Great tip on the metal sleeper ends too.  And what is this "furrows" you speak of?  Sounds like work to me.  LOL.  Mind you, I'm finding I need to fill my raised beds twice a year – where the heck does all that soil/compost go?!  

  2. Oh my god !! How the bloody hell have I missed this video !! I saw Keith keyplayer mention it on google+ And went straight to your channel to have a look !! Mark that allotment is the worlds best kept secret !! It's amazing ! You must have worked hard to get it looking that good ?? And you've got bloody solar pannels on your shed roof !! Brilliant my friend bloody brilliant !! I love surprises ! I can't see the greenhouse ? I assume your working on that what with the wet miserable summers you have just like the UK ?? Ha ha !! Seriously made bloody well done !! And no more surprises !! Ha ha !!

  3. Nice looking garden. I don't have one myself, but my dad always did when I was growing up. We had about 1 hectare of property outside of Sacramento, California USA. My favorite items were the turnips, which I used to pull and eat right from the garden, an incredible volunteer cherry tomato which came back for three years running, and the sweet corn. I remember the first year, my dad planted about ten zucchini. I spent lots of time pushing a wheel barrow around to the neighbors giving it away. After that it was only two plants.
    I am surprised that you can grow artichoke. I thought those needed a coastal climate with frequent fog to do well. Can you grow blue berries? I was also wondering what the tank behind your main shed was for?
    I was glad to find your channel, and just recently subscribed.
    Regards; Scott M.

  4. This is a great channel for me, I just bought 16,000 square meter. In the Philippines and I am planning on many of the same things you are already doing. Chickens, quail, and a few pigs. Kitchen garden. The land already have a lot fruit trees and 150 coconuts tree. So I am in the planning stage of what to do with it. 

  5. I agree with the no bend over garden and it is easier to tend to the plants and pull the weeds out.
    The first time I got a sweet potato growing, I was so excited. Now, I have a hard time of getting rid of them from the bed I want to grow something else LOL.  Don’t get me wrong, I love growing them and it is great to have one growing in summer because it brings some colour (green foliage) to an Adelaide garden.

  6. Mark, subscribed! Thanks to Ian Knockton for giving you a shout-out on one of his recent vids. Really nice, glad to have found your channel. Steve, from Santa Cruz Mountains in California.

  7. Great video mark, thanks for sharing. Just love your beds. Do you get hearts on your artichokes up here? I heard a rumour they're no good in the subtropics but I figure if I can grow healthy nettles I can do a few chokes. I just put 1 in to start with but I wouldn't mind picking a few more up from Caboolture markets. I love the way you grow, although you have way too much grass 😉 look forward to more of you vids mate.

  8. I loved looking at your beautiful property. Your garden is wonderful. Did you say that big building with the solar on top was a shed? If so, wow! I would love to have something like that. What a great set up you have there, Mark. I can't wait to see more of your veggie vids. 

  9. What a great overview of the wide variety of produce that you can grow, explained in a very humble manner. Beautiful setting.  A great motivational video fot those like myself who want to get into growing my own produce.  Thanks.

  10. I am sorry but your garden is not what I thought it would be – I live in Brisbane Northside & really would love you to have a look at mine.
    It is really what I call an Urban Backyard Garden providing amazing vegetables for us & our neighbours all year round.

    I would love to have the space etc that you have though.
    Cheers, Denise

  11. G'day Mark
    Ash here from Emerald in Queensland. Great channel mate I have started watching the vids from the beginning. I just wanted to know if you plant sweet potato slips or just part of the sweet potato ? Cheers Ash

  12. It's just hilarious watching you seven years later be such a ham! You are such a YouTube rockstar! It was encouraging to see some of your humble beginnings compared to the gardens you have now –summer 2021.

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