June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Introduction to Vegetable Fermentation

Learn how to start making fermented foods with Meredith McKissick. Ferments are a key to healthy immune system function that maximize nutrient benefits and help maintain a healthy gut. Gain the tools and knowledge to begin adding delicious fermented foods to your diet and discover different methods for fermenting at home like how to make kombucha, your own vinegars, kimchi, sauerkraut, salsa and chutney. Access the workshop handout with recipes at www.livingwebfarms.org under our Resources tab.

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Introduction to Vegetable Fermentation

  1. Thank you for sharing all of this. I'm just embarking on the fermenting journey but am well bitten by the bug (pardon the pun). I recently made a batch of sauerkraut but forgot to wash the cabbage first. I live in Mongolia, so the standard of hygiene here is not quite UK standard. After a few days, I went to burp the jars and there was a minor Vesuvius thing going on. Indeed, both had actually leaked slightly in the cupboard (and reacted a little with the metal lids). They're now much more settled. I've been reading about botulism recently and I don't fancy trying it. Do you think the kraut is safe to eat? Many thanks in advance.

  2. 3:25 – the current most well informed estimates of the ratio between the number of members of a microbiome and the number of cells constituting its human host have since been placed at much closer to 1:1. The 10:1 have become rather outdated. Doesn't take away from the sheer wonder.

  3. I heard that sometimes people use a couple bay leaves instead of black tea or red wine for the tannins when making fermented vegetables, maybe it would work when making the white wine vinegar. Worth a try

  4. Hi Meredith,for us to benefit from our fermentations the bacteria must still be alive, so the end product must have a shelf life, because the bacteria will at some stage run out of things to eat, so my question is 'how long can we store our fermented products?'

  5. Over 2,500 good bacteria in gut with more to be discovered.
    All plemorphic
    She's wrong on the other ratios such as fungus.
    Dr klinghardt on the latest.
    We make vitamin c in our gut

  6. Her passion for explaining bacteria and her love for the trillions of good critters in our bodies is as healthy as the fermentation and bacteria itself. Great stuff.

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