Major problem! My ducks were eating away the dam/pond wall and if left to continue I feared the wall would completely collapse. $300 worth of rocks later, I seemed to have saved the integrity of the dam and the ducks are as happy as ever to be back on the water!!
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Looks great !! Hope it all works for you .
Great fix! And a beautiful one too! Thanks for sharing.
They where whaddling away then stop !! Ha ha !! They new something wasn't quite right !! Did you move all those rocks on your own Mark. ??!
I LOVE watching ducks, they were hauling it to the water lol
Those little rascals LOL! I guess they were looking for grubs, etc. in the dirt? Hopefully that will do the trick – it looks even better with the rocks. And if you should ever decide to get a liner – you already have the rocks to go around the edges. Is a filter not necessary – I was just wondering in case I ever have something like that? I am sitting here enjoying a nice summer rain here in Virginia and watching those ducks waddle to the water made my evening! My husband just recorded a movie for me from the 60's called "Lord Love a Duck" LOL – it stars Roddy McDowall (haven't watched it all yet) Thanks Mark & good luck & hope it continues to work!!
Great looking ducks , they are really a happy looking bunch there. Very funny how they rushed to the pond, then STOP and start quacking. After that they repossesed it, lol. Indeed some hard work there. 150 mtrs with a wheelbarrow ? shees. Luckily down the slope tho :o)
Nice video & cool ducks, you are a good keeper of animals, they look really happy. Hope those adjustments work of fine for you.
Well bless the dam ducks for eating your dam wall. It now looks a dam sight better than it did before. LOL It really is an improvement. It will only improve with age, as vegetation starts to droop over the edges. Do you intend to add fish?
Regards; SM
Looks like a great solution, Mark! I loved the shot of the ducks running to the dam only to realize something wasn't quite right.
Good job on fixing the dam dam with the dam rocks so the dam ducks cannot destroy the dam dam! LOL ; ) Have a great one, buddy!
Great remodelling bud. Nice stone work. Do you think the logs might attract some brownies? Do you get any cane toads spawning in the water? I've just found two frogs in our mini garden area. I thought… Boy out snails and slugs seem to be much less thus year… Now I know why.
Have you thought about some nice water loving plants between the rocks to attract some dragon flies or other cool bugs?
Nice one again Mark. Thanks for sharing it. You did look a little weary towards the end mate. Kudos to ya. Cheers, David.
Great video, the rocks look great. I giggled every time you said "dam"!
LOL. Happy quackers!
That was so cute
Funny how they were destructing the very thing they enjoy so much LOL
Great fix there Mark.. I really like the look of the rock & the timber..
Have you thought about crayfish of would the ducks just demolish them ?
The ducks at the end had Kira laughing
Cheers mate..
Your ducks are beautiful!
I need to build a larger pond for my two pet ducks. Are your ducks tame?
I look forward to watching more of your many videos.
thanks for sharing!
PS. 4:55 I could sit with a book and watch this in person all day!
Damn good job
the rocks look great and aecure now you need a bench seat in the xhade so you can sit and talk to them. IDEA: you could rig up a place to afix the camera so you can sit there and do your discussion videos without having to hold the camera .
I really like what you did, looks so much better, you did an excellent job mark