June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Starting my next project

Building a simple concrete form and explaining a few techniques and math usage. Taking the opportunity to teach my daughter practical math applications in the hopes that she will take studying a bit more seriously. I’ve been out of carpentry for several years now and out of practice and made a few minor mistakes that I will explain in the next video. One in particular could have been disastrous on a larger project. Not a major concern on this one and I actually anticipated the possibility of making the mistake and made adjustments at the beginning in case I did. For now, I want to see if anyone catches the mistake I made.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Starting my next project

  1. Great vid, J!
    Learning your kids all these skills will sure benefit them in the future! I think, the more we learn about different things, the more it feeds our capability to use our imagination fully as well. I`m so happy with growing up at the far countryside, where we had to learn and do everything ourself. It has helped me so much in my later life and work.
    In my thoughts no knowledge is futile, you will sure need it later. Therefor I have very much respect for all kinds of occupation people have. Whatever it is.

    Best wishes for you and yours!

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