September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Vegetable Gardening: How to Plan a Highly Productive Garden

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Growing your own food is a great way to save money and eat more healthily so it’s important to make the most of the space you have available.

Whether you’re starting a new garden or working with the same space as last year, a few simple changes can greatly improve your harvest.

In this video we explain 5 ways that you can improve your garden’s productivity and give step-by-step instructions which you can start using in your garden today.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Vegetable Gardening: How to Plan a Highly Productive Garden

  1. Hi just wondering do you have plans for an android version of your software there are many android users out there and I feel you are restricting your market by not providing an android solution love the concept of your product and would definitely buy it if it came available

  2. I really like the suggestions about dealing with pests. We have been finding it difficult to grow vegetables on our terrace this season because of squirrels, crows, and peacocks and peahens. I suppose we need is a mesh now. 

  3. Hi Guys, good video! I am a total beginner, but I never give up. I have been trying many times to grow tomatoes on pots, but they died :''( now I sew the seedling inside the house and moved them out so they are growing yeay!. I transplanted the plant and I put lot of crashed egg shells on the bottom. I have concerns about the fertilizer, I prepare the soil with cow manure and soil for vegetable, but don't know when add more fertilizer, I have two bottles with liquid fertilizer named seasol, one is for veggies and tomatoes and the other it says fish food. One cap is for 9 lts, and my veg garden is 3 meters by 2 mts. I live in a subtropical area, so we get a long of rain on Summer and winter temperatures are about 20 degrees. I am also trying with bush beans, but I don't why they started getting small dark holes on the leaves. I water the plant every two days when we have not gotten any rain. Also beetroot is a pain in the butt, I have beautiful seedlings, but they never grow, or lettuce I have an small greenhouse with a plastic lead and holes that you can cover to keep moisture or let the air come in, but the lettuce start growing ok, but then they just simple died. I don't know if is too much moisture or not enough air is very frustrating snif 🙁  any help is much appreciated. 

  4.  OMG!!!! Those videos are so amazing! I loved it! You teach so well how to do things, it is really great! keep doing it pleaseeeeee >.< 
    (ooh, and I am sorry if there is anything wrong with my English…)

  5. hi great videos very informative for a newbie, im in the process of planing my fruit and veg garden im choosing to build 2ft high raised bed for many reason i can't just plant in the ground due to having pets children very bad soil and the list goes on , and id like it as a bit of a feature so my question is what the best soils that i can go out a buy reasonably do i use to fill my raised beds with? im going down the organic root and will also be building a worm compost too for the future use for worm casting and worm tea 🙂

  6. Poor slugs…just trying to have a little beer while enjoying the garden, and wham!  On the other hand, you gotta go sometime, and drowning in beer has to beat most ways.  So, slugs:  sorry, not sorry!

  7. May be a stupid question but how do you grow for all year? If 30 onions are ready together I won't eat them in one week then how will I have them for the other 51 weeks?

  8. I had a plan, start a veggie garden. That's it, planted some plants too close (free Arugula seeds), tomato seed from store bought seed. Have no clue on planning, but it worked out ok.

  9. I have a small raised bed (5) Bed garden, made of doubled up pallet collars… already starting (North England) to see my peas flower, and just 4 weeks off first Spring Onion, and 2 Weeks off lettuce!

    Will be a busy bee this summer x

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