June 10, 2024

VIDEO: How to divide Globe Artichoke to Make More Plants

This video explains how I divide globe artichoke plants to make new ones for the coming season without having to re-sow seed. www.selfsufficientme.com

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to divide Globe Artichoke to Make More Plants

  1. Awesome video Mark. Not a topic I've come across before on Web or YouTube, when I was researching for planting my artichokes last year. My 3 survived the summer but look pretty ordinary. Pretty sure they were seedlings and so didn't have enough growth to send out pups. Reckon I'd probably still think of em as a perennial. They don't thrive through summer but most regrow in the cooler weather? Looking forward to globes this spring!

  2. I live in Central California, no humidity, but 85-100 all summer, I have grown artichokes successfully here for 8 years, they get afternoon shade, from my grape vines, in the high heat of summer, when they are stumped down, I will get an Autumn (Sept Oct Nov) crop, the crop is not as big, and I usually prune lightly, and not stump the plants in the winter, after watching your video, I can divide more successfully, thanks.

  3. I keep trying to grow artichokes and fail. I planted 10 seeds, ALL BUT ONE TOOK BUT THEY are not growing large enough to plant out. I then bought plants and they are not growing much better, Are they really slow growers? I planted them in fertile soil. They are only about 2 inches after a few months. What is wrong? thanks

  4. I didn't see you divide the root ball.  I saw two globe artichoke plants.  You dug one up and told us to divide the root ball, but you didn't show how to do that.  You really know what you're doing.  Can you please post a video that shows the dividing of the root ball?

  5. I watch a lot of gardening videos and your the only one I see that transplants correctly by pressing the soil and packing it tightly around the roots! everyone else plants them in loosely and I guarantee most of them wilt and stress before they recover and take off again! When transplanting my starts and seedlings I pack them in as tight as i can and they never wilt and always take off immediately and strong!!

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