March 3, 2025

VIDEO: Early Food Forest Update

The Food Food forest is really starting to come alive, even with the little amount of rain we have had.

Channel with Paul Gautschi videos:

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Early Food Forest Update

  1. been sub'd to L2S for a while, since the eden movie came out. nice to hear KLove in the back ground lol, great Christian music. also Great to see your yard, thx for sharing, just what I was looking for.

  2. The music is great. Your garden is looking great for no rain. We are just starting ours and are using wood chips too. We are in Fl so I'm afraid not to water. It's in the high 80's already. Good video.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to share James. Garden looks like it's about to boom! You can see there is moisture in the soil but as you say probably not enough to really kick things along. There is nothing like the water that comes directly from the skies (especially from a thunder storm). I feel that natural watering causes the plants to develop roots differently to when they have a constant supply. It's a complication and dependence I have avoided introducing into my garden.

  4. Music is great brother and so is your garden. Love the natural wood chicken fence too. I'm like you havnt had rain in almost a month and I don't water either. They are saying tonight or tomorrow we'll het rain but I'm waiting for all the seeds and young growth too. Hope your water comes soon and camt wait to see the food jungle it creates. Thanks for sharing and glad your back home slice 🙂

  5. Good to see you back making videos! Know you had camera issues- I'm guessing this is a phone video? It's a bit distracting as it skips and freezes a lot and not HD. Still cool to see the garden and info you share though.

  6. i like your videos an comments allot, an i believe in the power of the covering like paul gotschi says, and i also think i make much sends that the fast growing veg are sweeter. i try to copy the system from paul gotschi and charles dowding (he has also a channel in yt) it is a quick system that leads to success. last year i tried to make the system from fukuoka and sow very much seeds in the gras after a rain and mow it after 2 weeks, but  there are very few plats that grow very poor, because the ground did not have the rich organic matter. the fukuoka style need much time to build soil and is a good system for a big property. but when you give on top the wood-chips, or a compost, you have a good soil to grow and you dont have to wait to build the soil. it was a great idea from you to combined gotschi to make soil and fukuoka to build a self-seeding system. very clever! thank you for sharing!!! one question, do you weeding and pruning

  7. Great update James, hardly noticed the music.  As usual my garden is about two to three weeks behind. but I have stuff just poking through so we are looking for a good year.  God bless

  8. Do you keep any footpaths? I can't tell if you do or not. Also, don't you find that wood-chips and mulch provide hideouts for slugs and snails? In the humid climate of Britain I haven't had much success with mulching due to the abundance of such little buggers.

  9. last year i was ecstatic that i was able to harvest, if you could call it that, three whole cherries from our cherry tree. this is because usually the birds and squirrels get to them before we do. this year, completely different story, went out today just to check up on the cherries, blueberries, peaches, and apricots, and lo and behold, the cherry tree is full of ripe cherries!!! i was able to reach a bunch from the ground, kind of sour for my tastes, but my mom likes them. the peaches are looking good too, just not ripe, same with the blueberries. however, the frost we got in april seems to have killed all but one apricot, and i have my eye on that one.

  10. Hi James, thanks for sharing the video. . firstly I want to say. . ur new camera is great. . very clear. . secondly . . now that I can see the plants so clearly I notice all ur plants r extremely healthy and I din notice any pest attack or any plants that are weak etc. . how is this possible?? Pls guide and share what is the secret of such healthy plants. The next thing is u mentioned, u use Masanobu's techniques. Do u use clay balls for seeding or is it something else as well? I wud be grateful to any information u can share that will help budding gardeners like myself.
    Ur a huge inspiration. Thanks again!!!

  11. Hi James, thanks a ton for making the new video and answering so many important questions. i am unable to post on that video, not sure why. I can't thank you enough for sharing or valuable tips. Look forward to more of em. . Cheers! Kiran.

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