June 28, 2024

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Finally seedlings on our separated property

  1. You really should let your broad beans grow a little more before planting them. I had big problems with slugs this year… But after some time the slugs ignored the broad beans somehow?! Like your construction and video, thumbs up. Greetings/Liebe Grüße

  2. The look of your soil in that spot(of the scarlet runner beans)is just BEAUTIFUL! And that trellis idea is really GREAT, in years past when we planted beans, we'd plant them next to the corn plants, so when the corn would grow into a tall stalk, the beans would clamber up the stalk as well as the corn leaves, sorry to about your slug problem but good to know you found some good poison for 'em,….I've heard here on YouTube that ducks love slugs so much, just can't their fill of the slimy critters, maybe you could get some muscovys(not as loud as the other breeds). Uprated thanks for sharin' Jay! 🙂

  3. That trellising looks excellent. Nice that you've built up the soil very nicely. Goes to show how nothing beats building up your soil with some organic stuff like compost, manure or mulch and then just giving it time.

    You should be loaded with beans this year. How far apart are you going to be growing them? I have many bean seedlings that need to be put out ASAP too.

  4. All looking pretty promising Jay :o)
    Broad beans … Mine are already forming pods, some are still flowering. I always thought you can plant them even before the last frost. The cool weather is what they like ? I did put mine in the pots on my balcony end of march. They took a while to come up, but almost all did. 
    About that slug-stuff : I think if you throw some old rusted nails in phosphoric acid you get that Iron III phosphate. Phosphoric acid reacts with rust and is used in the car-industry just before applying the primer on the steel as it also forms a nice layer on the steel itself unto which paint bonds very well. At least that is what I read when I tried adding iron to my ponics … I threw some rusty stuff into phosphoric acid (readily available in growshops here in Amsterdam) and poured that into the sump. Didn't do much either way, so eventually I bought a bottle of chelated iron. But I digress  ;o)
    Cheers !

  5. You really have allot of variety going in this year, The soil is amazing looking too. And love the trellis. I posted the result of the contest tonight too. If you would like to stop by. E 🙂

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