March 13, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Transplanting Leeks for Maximum Yields

  1. Excellent video: very simply explained and good camera work. I didn't realise you could mulch that deep around the leeks. I put leeks into everything I use. I even use them like onions if I run out of onions and they make a wonderful soup with potatoes. You can stuff them too by cutting lengthways half way through and putting minced beef or lamb inside ( seasoned to whatever taste eg bolognaise, curried, etc) and popping back in an oven for 40 mins with a few tablespoons of water at bottom of tray. The pot leeks are good for this.

  2. Your video contained a lot of good ideas for planting leeks. My seedlings are getting the right size for transplanting, and we should be having rainy weather for a day or two. Thanks again for your videos.

  3. I had no idea you could just slip the leeks into the holes and leave it like that without back filling. Interesting. In using the mulch, have you ever had a problem with fungus and rot?

  4. Wow. You taught a lot of us about growing things and now we are seeing you grow! I miss your diligent videos and hope to see some of the cooking results because I love cooking with stuff I grow. You are quite the young man.

  5. Two questions:
    When you lower the leek into the hole, its long roots end up flared upwards. Should I try to coax them downward or just leave as is?
    And then, does it matter if the hole you make with the dibber is a lot wider, or should the diameter of the planting hole sort of match the size of the transplant?

  6. Very helpful for video, Thank you. I live in the US in a very different climate from where you are. I've tried growing leaks numerous times with very poor success. Do I have any chance of successfully growing leaks in South Florida?

  7. awesome video. thanks a lot. I'm in Louisiana, USA . I just planted one large pot full of 2 inch tall plants i bought from a local garden shop. it has about 40 plants in it. I was wondering when and how to separate them put your video explain it good

  8. Hi Huw!
    How wide and deep are the holes for the leek? My understanding is you want to cover the white part …how far apart do you plant them? THanks!

  9. Eeeek!!! This is SO helpful! I planted all my leeks too close this spring and I thought that was it! Now I’m going to dig the up and transplant. Thank Huw!!! From Nova Scotia

  10. This is how we bought them in Brittany at the markets in bundles of 100, they last a good while out of the ground bare root. The French trim the roots to 30mm and the top leaves, then plant them as you say gently watering them in.

  11. Can you tell me you sue any type of fertilizer on the newly sprouted leek seedlings? I planted the seeds the sprout but stay thin and do not thicken up like those in your picture here. My seeds are planted in 4 by 4 inch plastic containers in store bought potting soil in the sun shine

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