June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Carpet Your Vegetable Garden to Stop Weeds & Grow Great Crops

We carpet our homes but what about the garden? So I thought I’d carpet our vegetable garden to stop weeds invading my vegetable beds and to help grow better food crops!
Hey Guys, I don’t want people getting the wrong idea about this video thinking I’m advocating to use “carpet with chemicals” leaching into the soil. My aim is to merely show how SMOTHERING can be used in the vegetable garden to kill persistent grasses and weeds. I also use tarps, dark shade cloth (doubled over), and even heavy mulch such as straw or sugarcane. The idea is to kill the weeds/grass, which has invaded the bed in an organic way whilst still allowing microbes and worms etc to thrive. Cheers 🙂

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Carpet Your Vegetable Garden to Stop Weeds & Grow Great Crops

  1. After the back breaking work of having to dig my beds over earlier this year, I'm definitely covering them over once everything has finished. I won't be making that mistake again. Top dollar video… Cheers Adam

  2. Nice one mate, I like the look of your Red Russian Kale, as a foot note, my Chickens love your feeder I made for them from your design and I love the fact there is no spillage at all.

  3. Me I use chipped and partially composted green waste I get from the beerwah tip. My beds don't get a rest. I need to replace it every 6 to 12 months because it breaks down quickly especially through summer. Bugger all weeding required although it can be bit difficult to plant after you've just just put 20-30cm of the stuff down. I like the carpet idea for around my orchard which gets Singapore daisy and billy goat weed. I will have to keep my eye out for it I think. Not as much carpet getting around in Queensland as there is down south. It does tend to get hit with nasty chemicals over its life, although that would diminish over time in the garden.

  4. Hey Guys, I don't want people getting the wrong idea about this video thinking I'm advocating to use "carpet with chemicals" leaching into the soil. My aim is to merely show how SMOTHERING can be used in the vegetable garden to kill persistent grasses and weeds. I also use tarps, dark shade cloth (doubled over), and even heavy mulch such as straw or sugarcane. The idea is to kill the weeds/grass, which has invaded the bed in an organic way whilst still allowing microbes and worms etc to thrive. Cheers 🙂

  5. I carpeted my garden one year and the weeds just covered over the carpet and then I moved and had to rip up the carpet and it took me forever to cut up all the weeds that had covered the ground and then pulling the carpet up took forever because the grass has grown up through the carpet as well. It might work in some areas, but NW Alabama…..nope, it didn't work. Also had a lot of neighbors who made fun of me, saying, "I've never seen anyone carpet their yards before." Right now, I am putting down corrugated cardboard and covering that with mulch. Hope that works this year because I am disabled and I do well to have a garden, much less spend hours and hours weeding.

    I didn't mulch it. However, the carpet grew into the ground and weeds grew over it with vines and I will never do it again.

    I had a friend who re-carpeted her home and I got her old carpet and tried that.

  6. I have a full houseload of nylon (i think) carpet and cheap foam underlay which i was hoping to solve my backyard weed problem. But I wasn't sure if it was going to poison my backyard. Any thoughts?

  7. Ha! I thought you were going to talk about "carpet plants" that will block weeds but also be good useful plants. Even a plant like purselane would be great because it's a creeper and low growing but great in a salad and full of good things for the body.

  8. I did ended up using the carpet to block out weeds and with good success although the wind keeps tossing the carpets all over but it was good temporary measure that saved my sanity! It was quite a nice feeling walking in carpet in your backyard. I didn't have mud issues or soggy carpets aa I had some lilydale toppings

  9. Hello,
    I want to use a small 4 x 4 garden bed in my backyard to grow veggies. My yard is complete grass. Can I use a moving blanket to smother off the area of grass? The moving blanket is some sort of fiber.
    How long should I leave it on the grass and do I then remove it and fill the bed with soil? Or put the soil over the blanket?
    Newbie here!

  10. Great video. Very helpful. I started gardening with raised beds last year and just de-weeded them this week with my husband's help. Should I have left the weeds in there and just smothered them by covering them up months ago?
    (I do stil have a few plants left over from fall – swiss chard and mustard greens. )

  11. Most modern carpets are full polypropylene made. Which means full plastic. Only expensive carpets are wool with jute backing nowadays. They will degrade without hassle, but remember that plastic takes a long long time to break down.

  12. 🙂 thanks for the info.
    Looks like I don't have to take the old carpet from the bedroom to the dump now. 🙂
    I'm really enjoying all your videos, they're helping me make informed decisions on how to turn my new (to me) house yard into an edible landscape. I have a totally bare slate to work with. Great hey. 🙂 I can't wait to hit Bunnings up for some raised beds. 🙂

  13. I have garden boxes in my back yard. I had a lot of carpet from a pull out. So I placed carpet between my boxes and along the sides of the boxes so I can mow grass next to the boxes without trimming manually. The jute back is facing up. Works I’ve seen it done before.

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