March 26, 2025

VIDEO: GGC – 17 – Churchill Falls on the Trans-Labrador Highway

Part 14 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After a rainy start down the Trans-Labrador highway, the weather finally improved and we got a chance to explore Churchill River and the small northern community of Churchill Falls. Still no luck finding one of the satellite phones that the province provides free of charge for use along the highway. Next stop, Happy Valley-Goose Bay!

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 17 – Churchill Falls on the Trans-Labrador Highway

  1. I just found your YouTube channel. You sound like a happy couple sharing adventures. I've only been to Canada once. I spent a whole day in Montreal. I usually joke to people that means I know all about Canada 🙂 I'll probably see a lot more through your camera lens

  2. THANK YOU! for doing the conversion on the gas prices, we Americans who watch don't get the paying by the liter thing-the first time I went to Europe that really confused me. AND we have no right to complain about our gas prices considering what the rest of the world has to pay by comparrison! Also, still really loving the maps, and I'm so glad you showed inside that crazy conglomerate building-I was very curious about that. The whole thing was very interesting.

  3. hard to believe they traded a "slide for life
    ' for a "old holey bridge"; can't wait till we all get to the Atlantic ocean and see what they traded for the auto ferry boat! eh!

  4. I was disheartened to see the vast differences between the two pictures of the falls. I realize that this part of Canada needs something to make money, but as another commenter wrote the dam ruined the falls, the local ecosystem, and more for what they thought was the quickest way to make money. It sucks.

  5. Loving your trip aswell…
    Such an unusual town. Is it a mine town?
    Last September, we did a trip to the most northern part of Australia….
    Petrol (Gasoline) was $2.45 a liter… over $300 bucks to fill the truck (130 liters).

  6. Excited for your next video, I have family all over Labrador and my grandparents live there as well in a community called Capstan Island on the south side, its a few communities down from Red Bay. You probably would have just drove past it, its not very big haha. Hope you enjoyed that part of labrador, i've never made it to lab city though, that long dirt road is probably one of the reasons why!! I'm making a video at the moment of my trip this summer to labrador, subscribe and maybe you'll see it and enjoy it!!

  7. I haven't read all the comments..> But that machine is called a Yarder. It's used to bring up stuff from a long distance down a hill usually… Most of the time its used by loggers on the face of a mountain so they can bring the cut logs from the bottom of the hill to the top as they are cutting their way down the face.

  8. I see you wanted the satellite phone. I'm wondering about cell phone coverage, I see you were also using Google Maps for navigation. How was the cell phone coverage for using Google? I'm heading down that trail 2016 Summer. I'm in PEI, love your videos.

  9. The machinery and building that you were looking at appears to be an early sky crane for moving logs.  The orange machinery in the building appears to be some form of a pony engine to run the sky crane.    This is a very efficient way to move timber over rough ground, and get it to a central loading area.  Does anyone else have any thoughts on this.

  10. I have truly enjoyed the video's and have traveled like this in the past.  It is a great way to view the world, and enjoy the adventure without dealing with all the tourist traps.  Thank you for sharing.

  11. Well you would have had to go to Wabush to get one as I did Last June . Or if you were going the Other way then That was a French name. My Gps could not find the Hotel. I stopped a Cop for directions. I would do that trip all over again. Just take more time.

  12. So much fun to see all the places we just visited this past July (2016). Thanks for posting!

    P.S. we paid 1.31/ltr at Churchill Falls. We got the hydroplant tour while there…THAT was amazing.

  13. Sad news the cable way has been dismantled the good news is there is now a bear proof garbage bin. Thanks to you , Paula and of course Vanessa for being one of my inspirations to finally do this trip

  14. I used to have a very similar 1991 camper van. i bought it from an old gentleman. It is a great vehicle, easy to drive, good MPG and low maintenance cost. I had to sell it when I moved to a condo. I think you can paint your camper van, and maybe do some interior renovations. You will be more happier in it.

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