June 7, 2024

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Let's talk taters

  1. Nice harvest, I will still carry on growing them in the ground as normal but next year I am thinking of doing some very early ones in bins in the greenhouse. I also use the potatoes left over for chitting from the year before

  2. That was a great harvest for a container I have thought about doing that.But with all the rain we have had.I do not know if they would survive it. My Paraguayans douse will in the Self watering drum. I glad to see you did do potatoes. E 🙂

  3. AWESOME Harvest Jay, this growing taters in containers is a good idea for those of us who haven't much land and besides the favorable points to this manner of planting, it makes it much easier to harvest them then to dig into the packed earth! Uprated, thanks for sharin', maybe you could get some blue or purple taters, mugsyjeff(Jeff Heriot)from Down Under has the blue and raving about the flavor and nutrition-packed taters as compared to the ordinary taters we're so used to.

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