June 8, 2024

VIDEO: GGC – 22d – Viking Reputations and Hygiene

Now on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, we visited L’Anse aux Meadows, the 1000 year old Viking encampment and site of the first European contact with North America. A Viking reenacter discusses the reputations and hygiene of Vikings. There are 3 other videos in this series – be sure to check them out as well.

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 22d – Viking Reputations and Hygiene

  1. Did this guy say Vikings had helmets with horns  @:45?   That is so wrong!   I'm surprised he hasn't been corrected if he's been saying that for very long.  In his job he really should read up about the Vikings if he's expected to talk about them in an informative way.  Vikings never had horns on their helmets.

  2. Derrick and Paula – what an excellent series you put together from this portion of your trip. The characters were entertaining in their teachings and the visitors seemed to enjoy it too. What are your thoughts since you two got the full tours? I am really interested.

  3. Interesting series,thanks very much…. one of the things he said in this video is false though,Vikings never had horned helmets,that's one thing made up by the film industry … We have a lot of Viking history here in the UK,starting when they landed at Lindisfarne and killed all the monks in 793ad

  4. Hmm, seems interesting. I usually taught that they had extremely atrocious, and rather grotesque hygiene. I think what further reinforces this notion is perhaps the scripture by an ancient Middle-Eastern traveler that came into contact with a viking group for trade, the sorry itself being slightly adapted into a film (13 warriors or something).

    I guess each of these groups differed from each other greatly or something?

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