June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Today on Allotment Grow How we discuss the previous growing season and we announce the creation of a new Youtube Channel.

“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  1. I know where you can get some Idaho seed.  Best "chip" potato going.  Low moisture… High starch… Great for baking & with enough butter and sour cream a super mashed.  They make a darn fine bread also.  Thanks for the vid.  Randy

  2. I really enjoyed your juicing videos, hopefully you will be doing more in the future as I went out and purchased a juicer after watching your experiments and wondered why I hadn't purchase one before !, so thank you for that as the juices are now an everyday event here. Will tune into your new channel as soon as you announce it. Best wishes and thank you for the videos 🙂

  3. I would recommend three things for what its worth Adam. Desiree Potatoes as I had them for 4 years with out fail. Pink spud with nice light yellow interior. I boiled ,roasted and chipped them. Rhubarb leave it there . Put no manure around it. Don.t pick any after 1st of September. Let the rot and they fertilize themselves. I had fantastic Rhubard this last 6 years- never fertilized it. I put a leaf mulch on top of them in November. Raspberries ; Give them another try. Cut them really near to the ground now as I have done for years and I am still getting Raspberries now, There are a early and a late variety, I have the late. Looking forward to watching your new Channel. All the best . Patrick

  4. Adam, I no longer grow main crop spuds, but when I did I went for Desiree which I found to be an all rounder, boil mash roast chip and a heavy cropper. They are a red potato by the way. As for the pigeons, it is now coming up to some cold weather with perhaps some snow, who knows, and if they can see greens etc. and can get at them I can assure you they will eat them. Farmers worst enemy, so take my advice and leave the netting on your Kale. Looking forward to your next video and your new channel. All the best, Dave.

  5. For a genuine all rounder what about Maris Piper? just a thought. Glad you got some good things to feel good about on the plot this season. I think everyone had something to feel disappointed about this year. Great video mate and looking forward to seeing you back next year. I will check out the other channel too. All the best mate.

  6. Yep, if certain plants aren't working for you rip them out and replace them with things that do – I also give my failures a chance for a season or two then it's off with their heads if they don't produce! Do pigeons really eat kale? Best with your new channel Adam! Cheers 🙂

  7. Hi, this year was my very first growing season and i grew Orla patatoes with great success. They are first earlies which can also be grown as a second early and early maincrop and also have high blight resistance. Me and the Mrs thought they were very nice and tasty. They can be boiled, mashed, baked, chipped or roasted.

  8. hi Adam, personally I would keep the netting mate, the pigeons are on the look out for anything to eat at this time of year. Als I saw a couple of cabbage whites last weekend, not sure when there caterpillars emerge but the way the seasons are going anything can happen. anyway bud good informative video, have a look at mine if you get a chance 'Simons allotment' cheers mate,from a damp South Devon, regards Simon

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