March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Top 3 Chicken Breeds For Self-Sustainability~

There are many wonderful chicken breeds, but let’s be honest… even when you love them all, there are a few breeds that stand above the rest when you are evaluating the full scope of what they can offer any homesteader. These are the breeds I have found to be outstanding when you look at all the characteristics and possibilities. I specifically chose these breeds for certain reasons. Find out why and thanks for watching!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Top 3 Chicken Breeds For Self-Sustainability~

  1. Rhode island reds for me. My Roster is afraid of nothing. My hound kept charging the hen house. The Roster got out and kicked his butt the other day. My hound won't go near the hen house now. Lol

  2. I do not own any chickens now but I've been reading a lot about the different breeds and I am so happy that the Black Australorps are your #1 breed. After all my studies about which breed I would want, I decided that the Black Australorp would be the one for me. Besides the versatility of this breed, they are absolutely beautiful. I read that the roosters of this breed really takes good care of his girls. I love friendly chickens and have made pets of some when I used to have chickens many years ago. Thank you so much for your input as to which breeds are the best for eggs production, meat, and temperament.

  3. 1. Buckeye 2. Brahma 3. Jersey giant….all 3 dual purpose and predator savvy…excellent foragers…good layers all year. Predator awareness is superb & I’ve not ever had a nasty rooster. Hawks won’t touch the jerseys or brahmas…too big:))

  4. I'm in a high predator area. I have three (retired) barred rocks that are laying one very large egg between the three (not bad for retired), black australorps (preferred) and three small blue Andalusians, friendly but very aware, small eggs at five months in February, and I plan to add Black Orpington from a contact that has won numerous shows with her line of birds. One Hectare, good tree cover, unmown field grass. We'll see how the year goes for all!!!

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