June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Food Crisis! What Will People Do?

How are people going to handle growing inflation, a food crisis & the coming storm?
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
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~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp

*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Food Crisis! What Will People Do?

  1. Patara, just wanted to say thank you for all you do, in your effort and kindness to reach out and help people, don't stop! You know the saying "you can lead a horse to water….." Hello from way down south in Texas!

  2. My granddaughter works at a grocery store. She is only 16 and doesn't quite understand everything going on in the world, but was told that there will be a food shortage! None of my relatives believe it. I am buying for us all!!!

  3. Had a young couple come over and bring food from the store deli .a medium container of mashed potatoes was 8.89! Mac and cheese 895! I didn't have the heart to even ask what the chicken cost! (We had a talk ! ) lord help me.

  4. What are people going to do? Crap themselves is my guess.. btw folks, anyone currently on snap benefits, you can buy plants and seeds with them. Sacrifice a few bucks and start growing what you can where you can.

  5. I totally agree with everything you are saying. People are NOT listening and acting like nothing is going on that will be affecting them they don't want to hear about the truth and they should be doing something. Especially when they could be doing extra overtime at work and save more and not focus on entertainment. I am talking about grown adults that are still kids. Not doing what it takes to get yourself in a better place. I only have fear due to those people when they are slammed with really when they are not able to get food etc.. and become the person who does what it takes to survive since they didn't listen. We are prepared to defend ourselves and our food we were wise enough to listen to God's voice that days were coming to need the knowledge we have

  6. Planting and planting and collecting collecting seeds…gotta get my compost and fertilizer going and storage room organized. Wish I could get some chickens and rabbits in my city yard.

  7. Sense of urgency are the PERFECT words!! I have been feeling this sense of urgency to prepare for quite some time. Initially I didn’t understand what I was preparing for but the urgency I was and am feeling is overwhelming! It’s an overwhelming urgency to prepare and to teach my children everything that I know. I always have done this and passed on my skills to my girls, but it became so so much more! As time has passed it has become clearer and clearer what exactly it is that I have been preparing for and it has only confirmed that the Holy Spirit is prompting us to prepare. You are absolutely correct in saying we have been chosen for this time! No doubt about that!!

  8. Yes !!! someone else has expressed exactly the same feelings I have been trying to explain to my husband for months. Although, I'm in better shape financially than most, it is still so saddening to stand in the middle of a store and see the emptyness of supplies. Thank you hun for your frank honesty.

  9. Ppl have to wake up even if our shelf’s are full on Canada don’t be a fool !!!! It will hit us and it will fast . Canadian need ti listen ti u ! This real ! Even tho are store over stock I bought other freezer I know it sound silly ! But I can’t can food but freezer work best for me !

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