March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Silkies At 6 Weeks~

A quick look at our sweet Silkies who are certainly a tight bunch. You will definitely see that as well as how they are protective of each other! You can also hear what I refer to as “Songbird Sounds.” We just love it and them! Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Silkies At 6 Weeks~

  1. OMG, So precious. I had silkies years ago. Plan to get a few when I get moved. I love silkies. I just love all your video's Patera. They make me homesick for that way of life. My Memaw and Papaw have both passed away and I miss them so much. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

  2. so cute!! You said the gold one might be a "rue". What is a rue? I'm a newbie to raising chickens and I'm trying to find out everything about them. Thanks so much for your help, Merry Christmas.

  3. I just got 6 silkies!! They are 3 & 4 weeks old! Just younger than yours. This is my first time w/silkies! I'm a new subscriber & LOVE ur videos!! I've had a small backyard flock for 5 years, but sadly only have 1 EE left that has ended her laying career!! She's my 'ole lady friend' now!! Keep the Silkie updates coming!!

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