June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to Organically Mulch and Fertilize your Garden to Grow Better Food

Mulch is an excellent organic fertilizer for your vegetables. But did you know it has many many other benefits too? Watch this video to know what they are as well as the best mulch to use, how to apply mulch and 3 mulching tips at the end.

Here are the materials you can use to mulch:
Leaves (better shredded)
Tea leaves
Grass clippings
Used coffee grounds
Plant materials
Black plastic
Old carpets
Cardboard (sheet mulching)

How to prepare a raised bed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97icQHwRyi8

Take a look at my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery

Organic gardening
Organic mulch
Vegetable Gardening

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Organically Mulch and Fertilize your Garden to Grow Better Food

  1. my only problem is fire ants! I've tried many many organic methods of dealing with them to no avail. When I go to work in my garden I have to gear up almost like a bee keeper.

  2. That was helpful. I had only thought to mulch over winter and I had not thought to use grass cuttings. I need to improve my soil so I shall get onto this but I think wood chippings should come later for me as they would take much longer to decompose.

  3. Huw, having a farm you presumably also have access to manure of some kind? Is your vegetable garden just mulched and fertilised with non-animal sources or do you also use manure? Just interested to know whether non-manure based vegetable growing can succeed…..

  4. I'm just starting new garden beds so last summer we killed a large area of grass. Then in the fall we bought some red wiglers, mixed grass and leaves and covered the whole area. Now I am adding coffee grounds and food scraps twice a week and turning the whole bed once or twice a week. I'm hoping that much of the mulch will be broken down by spring.

  5. Just saw your video and was delighted to hear that leaves are one of the best mulches as my husband and I (we live in France but my husband is Welsh!) have been out in the local lanes every day for three or four weeks collecting big bags of leaves for the veg plot. Most of them are chestnut leaves, which are available in abundance in the area. Unfortunately, they come with lots of prickly casings, so we've been targeting young trees which haven't produced chestnuts yet. We've also got lots of oak leaves and even smaller ones to ago around small plants which are going to be in the ground over the winter (strawberries, onions, garlic etc). Would love to send a pic of the brown veg plot, but don't know how to do it. Anyway, thanks for all your videos.

  6. I find that mulching in winter (warm climate so winter for me is like spring for you) brings a very large amount of slugs and snails. once mulch is cleared they were reduced. any thoughts?

  7. Hello
    I’m new subscriber to your channel
    What is the benefit to build up a raise bed instead of plant directly to the soil?
    Raise bed needs money to purchase wood and then fill it out with soil and that’s cost a lot of time/money
    Look forward to hearing from you

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