June 8, 2024

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Penny Pinchin' 2 Ingredient Tooth Powder~

  1. My parents used salt with the baking soda. I can only think they did that for the abrasive nature of the salt. What do you think? Thank you for sharing your farming life with us who are dreaming of live the life. One day I'll be out there too. Maybe no animals, I'm disabled, but just to live the clean life and maybe have a garden with some help. Sorry to ramble. Thanks.,

  2. I've done oil pulling for a little bit, I'm horrible at being consistent with it I need to do it every day… and make my own toothpaste, thank you so much for the recipe! Do you know if oil pulling will actually heal cavities? I've heard it can but I just don't know.

  3. For those wondering, salt was added because it kills bacteria. You do not need a lot of it but it does help with the baking soda mixture. You can do the same using Hydrogen Peroxide but new studies have found that also can harm the tissue. I would stick with the salt myself, but thats just me.
    I have never done the pulling and do not know much about it, but from what I have heard it can help?
    When I was young I was told to brush my teeth after every meal. Now they say before bed and in the morning because to much will wear down the enamel. Its a jumble trying to figure out what is best for each person lol.

  4. I have been oil pulling for a while. My dentist warned that it does not just remove bad bacteria, it also removes the essential good bacteria that your mouth needs. My naturopath recommended; I take probiotics, to one day a week open the capsule, dissolve it in water, and swish to add on good bacteria to your mouth. Obviously check with your doctor but just a potential added healthy habit.

  5. I love using coconut oil for many things including pulling.  I will be trying the straight baking soda with essential oils next so I can stop spending so much on organic toothpaste in the tube. 

    When I spit out my used toxic oil, I use a zip lock small baggie that has been labeled "Toxic Pulls" and place it in the freezer.  I continue to use the same bag (only inconvenience is walking back into the kitchen to retrieve bag from  freezer) until it is 3/4 the way full and then I through it in the trash.  Since the spit is toxic stuff being pulled from our bodies, I did not want any animals eating it if I spit outside, nor did I want anyone to step in it and bring it back into the house and spitting it in the bathroom trash can could lead to the evaporation of some toxins being released back into the air….this was the only thing I could think of (the freezer) to cut down any possibilities of reintroducing toxins. 

    Hope this helps!

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