June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Avoiding POVERTY~Multigenerational Households WILL Return

It’s all about survival! Will we see a massive return to multigenerational households?
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
~I Allegedly with Dan HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/iallegedly/videos

~ Garden Clips: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092J3WFQL?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&fbclid=IwAR0oDfC1Cwlbfpg0BHGED6zyrHuWo3_ulwNn7jg5SZkp0cJctP8ipyQFXfI
~ Eye-Deep In Hell Book: https://www.amazon.com/Eye-Deep-Hell-Trench-Warfare-World/dp/0801839475/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1653578029&sr=8-1
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp

*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Avoiding POVERTY~Multigenerational Households WILL Return

  1. We are still building our home, and living in it. Luckily the kitchen is all but done, and we have one bathroom functional and another one with a functioning toilet. Hubby is quickly trying to get one of the guest bedrooms mudded and sanded. That is supposed to be my craft room. The other bedroom will be the dedicated guest room, but may end up being for a family member. Hubby also has a small office, which also may be a kid's bedroom. We are doing all we can to prepare, while also dealing with Hubby's mom being in and out of the hospital with life-threatening health issues for the past 18 months, 1,000 miles away. We have to be prepared to drop everything and drive 16 hours to get to her. And now with the price of gas and diesel, and the possible severe shortage of diesel, not to mention the price of groceries, we may have to dig into our savings just to get to her.

  2. 12:14 – you're standing in front of a sassafras tree. They've almost all died out up here. Would like to get some cuttings to root and plant… let me know if that's something you would be interested in doing.

  3. This scenario scares me to death! You're not wrong. I'd take in my adult kids, but the complications arises with their significant others (spouses, others, kids of others), I know my adult kids would pitch in, but the others are a drain (heartbreaking). Hubs has already drawn a line (rightfully so). I pray on it, but I still worry we could go from 5 contributors to 12 takers in a blink

  4. Every single member of my extended family, including my in-laws' side, took the Covid vaccines except for me and my two boys. We won't have any relatives left to make up a multi generational household.

  5. My husband and I have been talking about this off and on for over a year for different reasons but it’s such an important conversation so everyone is prepared for different scenarios that life can throw at you.

  6. Leaving with my daughter..take care of two grandbabies…8 month and 5 yr.old. . Its cheaper for both this way. Trust me we have extra in our pantry…and ….little tight space wise but we make it work…trying not to put out more.

  7. Multi-generational homes are wide spread here in Australia. There is a housing shortage of affordable low costing homes. Even people with jobs can't find affordable housing. Families are living in tents in caravan parks. They can't even get more than 2 weeks stay. Others are making makeshift camps wherever they can. I've seen this in the USA and other countries as well. It's a very unstable time.

  8. During the Great Depression, this was common. Young people delayed moving out or getting married, because they couldn't afford their own households. Lots of people took in aunts, uncles, parents, & sometime strangers. Mostly it was a symbiotic relationship – they all needed each other, not one mooching off the other. My father is a machinist & is worried about his job at 63 yrs old. A lot of their materials come from Japan & they are not getting them for 6-8 weeks. What if I needed to take them in or us consolidate our resources? They took us in while we were renovating our house. It would be tough though, not gonna lie. Have a very strong willed obstinate mother, thats all I'm gonna say!

  9. My mother went through the Great Depression as a teenager. To the end of her life, she kept a garden and a freezer full of food. If you ever once go hungry, it leaves its mark on your soul, and you never forget it. Her mother, father, and 3 kids left south Florida and went to north Georgia to ride out the crisis living near his parents' farm.

  10. My youngest son along with his family moved back in with us a couple years ago. Rent was way beyond his ability to pay for his size family and the help is very welcome because of my health issues.

  11. Offered to pay my sister's plane ticket to move here to Hawaii.. she just cannot leave her 'stuff in California…even though her rent is beyond her ability to pay. It is difficult to not be able to help her.

  12. Our family did that a year ago, we ended up with all our adult children, since no one can afford to live on their own. We live in a 1400 sq foot home with one bathroom. What I determined was important was everyone had their own space, storage space in the bathroom, kitchen, pantry, and basement. We have been able to coexist and make it work. It has been happening and will only get worse. Love your wisdom and advice.

  13. We live in SoCal and don't have much of a backyard but we've planted fruit trees and have a bucket garden with vegetables. It's not much but we've packaged and set food aside. We just informed our grown children that they can come home if necessary, rather than go into debt.

  14. I purchased 5 extra blowup beds. Just in case that happened. And sheet sets. Pillows and blankets. Kept in a storage tub. 4 singles and a queen. I can't turn family away. Just can't. But each has skills. And different ability levels.

  15. My children and grandchildren have had this discussion that we would come together when when things get worse. We will pull together and have talked about how this person will do this job and what the others will have as their job. We make it together as a family. We will live together doing our best as a FAMILY. And I have told them to bring their preps ie. food and other items.

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