July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Dried Peas For Chickens? A Split Decision!~

The point of this Vid is simply to point out that every farm is different! What works for you may not work for the next person and their homestead. Be willing to try new things, but always start small and evaluate the cost for everything you do. Always do what works best for your farm! Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Dried Peas For Chickens? A Split Decision!~

  1. How about my chickens don't eat the cracked corn in my scratch. Really. Honest. I throw some scratch out and come back to find they jumped on the Oats/Wheat but they leave the cracked corn. The squirrels love the corn but my chickens turn their nose up. Go figure…..

  2. can you please make a video about what you do when a chicken of yours gets the taste for eggs and won't stop eating them. This happens to us every year and is a big issue. We end up culling the chickens that are eating the eggs, but we don't really like doing that since the chickens are still laying eggs. Thanks!

  3. my chickens like the small sunflower seeds will not eat dried corn . They are funny at times we got new baby chicks could u do a video on putting new chickens with the older birds in the coop?

  4. I hear you. I tried split peas and they hated it. I got organic layer mash which they ate but now they are wasting it, so I give whole wheat and sunflower seeds and they eat it all. They seem to eat the quail feed also.

  5. Are those raw and hard? I discovered my hens liked cooked rice so since that's carbs I thought that adding in cooked lentils for protein would be very nutritious. Non GMO food is hard to come by and most of the time expensive, although at the co-op I did buy non GMO pellets for around 13 for 50 lbs. The vet warned that sometimes the organic feed sets around and get moldy because no one will buy it because of the cost.

  6. My auntie would always give her chicken peas, and their yolks were fantastic from it. HOWEVER she never just gave it to them dry. She had this big metal bowl she would soak the peas in every day. She would give the chicken their peas and use the same bowl to soak the peas for the next day continuously. Those girls loved their peas. 🙂

  7. in south asia, chickens diet consist of mostly barley and all types of lentils and cooked rice wheat is not given to chicken as wheat is a huge diet for humans in these area and the chickens are left to roam to eat what ever they like from the ground chicken are not known to damage gardens back home.

  8. My chickens (ISA browns, have only four ) won't eat the peas either, especially the yellow ones. I even soak some of the feed 24 hours and they still won't eat them . Been feeding same stuff since they started laying. Costs me about $50 a 50lb bag, that includes shipping. Wanted to go organic, no soy, and a mix instead of pellets or crumble. Some of the egg shells are thin. The whites can be really watery, I am starting to think this may be from not getting the protein that the peas are supposed to provide for them. I just switched to a organic crumb mixture from the local Fleet Farm. Waiting to see how that affects the whites. Feed I had been using was from NewCountry Organics.

  9. Mine like fresh or can hreen peas i add little shredded beet pulp and little soy beam meal to my made up scratch and give little chaffhay which they love. I also get wheat seed feed barley and flat oats. My chickens dont like whole corn or crimped oats they just leave it. Love love your awsome videos you do great job. Thanks for info awesome. Bless y'all be safe in this crazy weather events

  10. I am fortunate enough to have a mill near me who mills peas into pellets for $11 for 50 lbs. My chickens love it! Really enjoy your videos, by the way. You do a great job.

  11. I had the very same results when I gave my hens dried split peas. Recently I have acquired multiple bags, free, so I had to find another way.
    Enter my instant pot. Cook one bag for 5 minutes in about 3 cups water. Cool down, then feed to hens. They love it

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