June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How To Treat Vent Prolapse~

*Graphic!* A hen with a prolapsed vent is serious business. If caught and treated early enough, it can be successfully treated as I have done several times before. I walk you through the steps that work for me. This girl is now doing great and we have not had to retreat her! Fingers crossed! Thanks for watching!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Treat Vent Prolapse~

  1. I have a small flock of 8 hens .. And and one of my hens has been laying blooming eggs (the egg shell is bloody). Her vent looks red but not prolapsed I can compare it to hemorrhoids. Will this treatment work for her?

  2. Thank you SO much for your videos. My Ms Melody has a prolapse and she is my favorite girl. I appreciate your calming voice and your education so very much!

  3. Soak them in Epsom Salts not soaps as the magnesium in it gets inside and helps relax the muscles, also give them a crushed calcium tablet after the bath it helps the muscles inside push. thanks for the video.

  4. Just had one die the other night of this had no clue what happened my first flock ever, someone gave me four fat white Rhode Island whites wayyyy over weight

  5. Other issue…Have a great chicken with a sty? Or tumor sack on lower eyelid. It is hard to the touch. She can still see and is acting normal so far. Any suggestions how to get rid of the tumor?

  6. Thank you for this posting ! Just had this happen to my Cornish hen, my 9 year older is upset Oreo has the same thing. We soaked her and sprayed vetericyn plus . Now that we watched the video we know what we must do. Thanks again

  7. I have a chicken in here right now. Did the treatment but she is in her cage, still making the horrible sound, and pushing EVERYTHING out. I did not feel an egg when I pushed it back in. How often do we do this? We have layer feed and scratch. Do we just give her scratch for now? Not sure how to lower protein. Let her eat some lettuce? Just trying to figure out how to get her to lay down and rest and not keep pushing it out.

  8. My duck had same prob but I messed up and didn't check a video first. I just grabbed her and pushed it back in. Hope I didn't mess things up, but it seemed to work and stayed in. Do you think she could develop some infection from me not cleaning it or putting Prep H on it? So I'm HAPPY I found your video and will do it different if it happens again. THANK YOU!

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