March 8, 2025

VIDEO: Best 10 TIPS Back to Eden Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Series #6

Best 10 TIPS + 12 PRO’S or CON’S. Part 6 of 12 Part garden channel Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden organic deep mulch gardening method 101 with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners Tour our secrets for organic soil & growing gardening vegetables 101 documentary with pest control. Looking into soil food web & soil health in a no till organic garden. diy garden. Organic gardening and farming.

Mycorrhizal list :

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Best 10 TIPS Back to Eden Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Series #6

  1. Ok i am slightly confused about building soil. I thought as the leaves and or wood chips break down they are helping to build up the soil. Can you explain what you mean about them not building soil. I am looking at over the long haul.

  2. Love it! Great video.
    I love using both wood chips and fall leaves.
    I love layering them. I love mulching with them. I love using them with my animals (chicken & rabbit manure added with ease).
    I do find that oak leaves in general have a very tough time breaking down and retaining moisture like other leaves, even with chipping them.
    Great tip on the weed management. We always want to pull them don't we? I bet the weeds offered a bit of shelter from birds, for that fruit.
    Not sure if it was asked but, how do you get your leaves and chips. I have asked (almost begged) as well as called local tree services and landscapers to give them permission to dump chips and leaves on our property. Almost all laughed at me. Most refused. Some heard me out but after months, I have yet to get anything. I usually have to go to the municipality and get them myself….boy is that hard work! We also asked to have some limbs chipped after taking some trees down. But it was hardly anything. And I pick up leaves that people are throwing out. But, strangely some people don't like that. They would rather those bags go to the dump. SMH.
    I would love to see some more information on using manure or not using it. We don't use horse or cow but have chickens and rabbits. I thought I was doing good by using it.
    Love your dedication to using cover crops.

  3. I sure enjoyed the information you provided on soil building.
    How do you control moles and gophers? We are located in farm/forest area. Moles tear up the field and gophers move into mole tunnels and pull whole plants down into the tunnels after moles leave. I may have to go to the expense of raised beds with hardware cloth mesh bottoms if there is no better way.
    I am also learning about hot composting. I have found that a little well composted matter laced with well composted manure and sprinkled over plantings work great to get new fields going. Established (chip fields) hardly ever need any compost matter. I usually apply this in the Fall to newly chipped fields and let rain and gravity do the work.

  4. Do I need to buy mychorrizal fungi to incorporate into the soil or just planting a tree would suffice to get the mycos spreading?

  5. Hi Mark! First thank you so much for the wealth of knowledge you are sharing with us for free. I'm amazed at how much I'm learning. My brain is soaking it all in! You're so well informed.

  6. Pine trees encourage the growth of ecto mycorrhizal fungus. Ecto mycorrhizal doesnt help your vegetable garden. You should learn about the difference between ecto and endo mycorrhizal fungus. Ecto means outside endo means inside so the basic differences between these 2 are fundamental and they do not support each other. Endo mycorrhizal fungus grows inside your roots and allows the plants to communicate and exchange minerals while ecto mycorrhizal grows around the root system, around 85% of our plants benefits from endo while around 10% of the plants benefits from ecto and also around 5% do not need either of thoes 2. You should learn about the differences and study the plants that benefit each other. Type into google ; ecto endo mycorrhizal fungus plant types. Good luck. By the way I love your work and the way you benefit the community of gardeners.

  7. I prefer woodchips over leaves for mulching the garden because i found stinkbugs hiding in the leaves. I raked out the leaves and put in woodchips instead.
    I am finding lots less stinkbugs on my plants now.

  8. So you planted squash rows . You planted in the Wood chips, and leaf mold. Then in the leaves you planted in the dirt under the leaves. How is this a good comparison. You should have uses some sifted wood chips , that had already turned to soil in the wood chips. And planted the other in leaf mold that was well broken down.

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