June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Wilting Leaves on Zucchini or Squash? Squash Vine Borer: How to Detect and Get Rid of It

If you’ve ever found your zucchini or squash plant wilted and dead virtually overnight, it was probably due to the squash vine borer. In this video I show you how to know, what to look for, and how to get rid of it.

It’s not pretty, but it’s necessary if you want to have hope of saving your plant.

Years ago, when I first described these symptoms to my mom, who had grown squash for years, she told me that the wilting and dying of the plant was due to heat. More likely, we realized, it was the squash vine borer, a more common pest than you think.

Preventing it organically has proved impossible for me, and I’ve tried many methods — would love suggestions though! — so doing what I show in the video has been my only way of saving my zucchini and squash plants.

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Wilting Leaves on Zucchini or Squash? Squash Vine Borer: How to Detect and Get Rid of It

  1. Get a mixture of BT in liquid form, inject it about 2 inches above the entrance hole on the base of the plant. The meat of the plants base is porous and will hold about a cc or more of the BT mixture. The grub will die and the plant will survive if the grub hasn't done too much damage nut the BT will not harm the plant.Digging the grub out often kills the plant on it' own.
    Hope that helps.

  2. get yourself some bt and spray the plants and the hills; it can also be injected directly into the soil. for those larvae, or worms, that have made it inside the stem – inject a small amount as been mentioned. you may have 2 or even 3 rounds of them per year but there's no need to abandon your winter squash!

  3. The Chickens will love it! Nicely put together Jill, Have you looked up using a turky baster, injector to inject BT in to the vine, it looks a pretty good solution, and less damaging,.

  4. I started injecting BT mixed with water into the stem just above the hole where the grub pushes the excrement out. I get a much better rate of success than I did by digging them out.
    I use a produce called Caterpillar Killer.
    Take care and good luck!

  5. Every year our squash and zucchini start out producing well and vine borers always kill them off here in SE Louisiana. My problem is that the vine borer moth (I've located and killed a few) tend to lay so many eggs! I tried the surgical technique a few years back with no success – likely, I waited to long to act! Thanks again for another interesting video!

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