June 7, 2024

VIDEO: If You Homestead-Do You Really Have A Job?!?

You asked for it so, here it is. If you are a true homesteader, you work. Period. A straight forward talk as I can salsa. A little bit about finances and how I have chosen the career of homeschooling my kids and running our farm. Is it a job? You decide. Enjoy and thanks for watching! xo
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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: If You Homestead-Do You Really Have A Job?!?

  1. Hi girlfriend. You do you! You rock! FYI, I saw a youtube video about getting paid by the government to have a woodstove. You get reimbursed for a percentage of the stove cost!!!!

  2. I know this video is old but I have been Watching a lot of your old videos for tips and trucks you use. I have been a nurse since 2007 but I want to do what you do because I truly enjoy my animals and garden. I love canning and giving it away. You are a great lady and I so enjoy your videos! Thanks for all you do to help us out!

  3. Positive folks would encourage you support you and build you up no matter what you choose to do. There are negative folks that can talk for 24 hours straight about how you will never make it. I now at this time of life 57 years old chose to pray that God give them some grace as it must be so terrible to feel like they do. Then I go my merry way with God positivity. My wife and I did that 3 years ago we live on cash only. so much calmer and happy Thank you for this video!

  4. If I'd only realized these things before my child was out on her own and age creeped up. I would love to be able to live this lifestyle. Now that we are retired I can, dehydrate, garden where I can find a spot on my city lot. I utilize the local farms for what I can up. I would have loved to of been a stay at home mom. I don't know if I could of home schooled but these days I would make sure that I could! I am loving being debt free except for a car payment as our 21 year old car finally died. Bravo to you for realizing these things while you are young enough to do it!

  5. I know these are older videos you made, but I just found you so I am trying to watch them all or catch because I think they are great, and when someone hits the thumbs down button I'm like what's not to like. I have learned a ton and I wish I had of started watching sooner, but I didn't know about you. I'm amazed and jealous I admit,. I think you guys are on key. I'd love to have this going on. I will say I am working my pantry though. Thanks for your videos

  6. Yeah, I get so tired of people make stay at home moms and dads feel like lazy free loaders on their working spouse. Stay at home parents never get to finish their work…..ever.

  7. I think your kitty has something to add to this video lol Thanks for the story of your journey to homesteading and the encouraging words. Much love to you and your lovely family

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