Baddesley Clinton – another wander around a National Trust house that’s dripping with history. It has an amazing walled garden, a moat, a resident ghost and priest holes.
#BaddesleyClinton #nationaltrust
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#BaddesleyClinton #nationaltrust
Great field trip Adam – what are the tracks you used ?
What a great place. But they need to replace those Brazilian swimming pool managers. Thanx for the vid bud.
thank you much ,enjoyed that one .cheers
Hi, thanks for the tour.
Enjoyed that Adam! – Your good at this filming lark – should be your dayjob.
That's a nice place. Great camera work . Thanks for taking us around.
Looks a nice place to visit may try and get there this month I love it when they have veg gardens as well cheers for vid
Enjoyed that!
thank you sharing have blessed day
That was a lovely tour mate. I liked the so called dodgy blues on the last video. The music choice on this one was more like 80s porn. Not sure if that was deliberate or not
Great edit all the same and I really enjoyed it. All the best.
I watched this video Friday and kept thinking was this one of the buildings I studied in History of Building at College? (Fortified Manor Houses) Searched my notes but not this one. The one we did was Markenfield Hall, miles away. Then remembered I visited it with my Dad and his friend from his College days who had just become a lecturer at Coventry Art School and that was in 1949. Its amazing the tricks the mind plays. You obviously have an interest in National Trust Buildings. The best I have visited is Down House home of Darwin, its just as if he is still living there. Baddesly Clinton got a thumbs up Cheers Mike B
Thanks for another tour… the wood work on the bed was beautiful. T
lovely place what was the weird music you played it was very catchy kinda jazzy