June 7, 2024

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Youtube income? A slightly different view

  1. Ahh, there it is: Making money (as you said ethically) is fine. Absolutely agree. The phrase "ethically making money" implying producing something of substance in exchange for income. Where I start twitching is when able-bodied people not facing a crisis seek to be supported continuously via donations from viewers while simultaneously promoting "self-sufficiency". But you knew that, didn't you?

  2. I make a little money off of YouTube videos. Also, my wife and I both work full time jobs with overtime. If I could get enough people to donate to me, I can afford the lifestyle I want lol. I don't take donations though. I offer entertainment mostly. I hope everyone that makes videos, earns money with them. Mine helps me buy new cameras and stuff, but that's about all. I sure will never depend on it for my lively hood. On my St. Bernard Acres page, I did this same kind of video about all these people who just market themselves as "homesteaders" or "offgridders", etc. They know nothing but what they read in a book, and try to scam a dollar from people. Give a bad name to the whole community of homesteaders.

  3. I was hoping to retire on my YT income lol. Its a great way to keep a video diary I find that with the garden stuff can look back and see how the garden has improved or not.. Also I have met some great people from all over the world and learn some pretty cool stuff.
    I wonder if people would want to donate money so I can go prospecting and mushroom picking that would be wrong. But a prospecting video take about 3 hours to edit and I have about an hour on film to edit down to 10 15 minuets. I enjoy both the digging and making the film so i am happy. A little money from the adds is great I will tell you what i have made on this channel in 4 years 134 franks from the adds but it was welcome all the same. I would make the vids all the same.
     You made some very good points some people will always try to exploit others unfortunately.

  4. I pretty much agree with everything you said, I do monetize my videos which does go someway towards the money I put into it to create them but that's about it. Like you I have come across a number of channels soliciting donations, to be honest most of the time I just unsubscribe

  5. I agree on pretty much all of your points Jay.

    My channel is monetized, but it's definitely not even a significant amount of money to me as I have a full time job. The extra few dollars here and there does encourage me to not worry about spending a few bucks to experiment with different things and share the results with people.

    I think some people have become way too reliant on what used to be "easy money" but now that ad prices have dropped significantly, we now have people e-begging to try and make up for their lost "income" that they feel entitled to. Pretty much what you've touched on.

    I would recommend that you monetize your channel and take advantage of the extra pocket change while it's still there.

  6. MoMoney, MoMoney, MoMoney. I think people living out in the woods probably really need it because there isn't much for jobs or ways to make an income, but it seems sort of fake to me. I'm living the independent lifestyle, and btw, don't forget to donate. That's probably the reason there's somewhat of a hostile attitude towards it. Of course, we all know no one can make it out in the woods without some form of income. Usually, they are working somewhere. I'd rather see them selling something they created, even if it was carving wooden spoons.

  7. Great View Point!!!!! If YouTube was our sole Bread and Butter, and the time and effort to make a few bucks on YouTube were compared to a regular job, most of us would have quit a long time ago. There has to be a love of the subject we are discussing. But as this is not the source of most people's sole income but a hobby or a way of reaching out to others, i.e. a way to share, I have no problem with someone earning a few bucks for their time and effort…and we know how time consuming it can become!!! If it was not for the channel owners there would be no YT! It would not be right for YT to use the creativity of the everyday Joe to build a large business and not share some with the creators. As I said, I do not mind someone making a few bucks in the process of sharing info..but I do have an issue when making the bucks or getting subs is the whole focus!! And those channels are quite obvious. As you mentioned if all a channel is, is reviews, I shy away from them. I also do the same on channels that have a lot of emphasis on "how to get subs" Having subs, just to have subs is not a goal I am after. I want a channel that teaches me something, or introduces me to something have not seen!
    Great Video and discussion on this topic!!

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