June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Greenhouse modifications, Apples and apple peeler

Made some modifications to my greenhouse to stop it collapsing under rain. Have harvested the last of our apples and preparing to make apple sauce, apple butter, jelly and dehydrating.

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Greenhouse modifications, Apples and apple peeler

  1. If you have chance, use wood pallets concrete bricks for making a SE-/South-/SW-facing vertical wall. Fill in the pallet holes with other pallet boards. Convert your conventional shaped greenhouse into a half greenhouse attached to the wood/concrete wall. Reason, structural strength, 1/2 weight of greenhouse supported by wall vs standing on its own structural integrity. Can hang growing trays on the wall inside the greenhouse, and also on the outside wood/concrete wall. More vertical growing space not available before. More square footage used vs non-usable air space. Can change a 8'x10' greenhouse into a 4'x20' greenhouse. Maximum sunlight in greenhouse, bounced against wood/concrete wall (can also use as a cold winter vegetable growing house). Optional mylar reflective surface on wall increases sunlight/heat bouncing within the greenhouse. Might prove more viable. Any other house/drive way concrete walls or vertical structures (barn walls), can also become half-greenhouse growing options.

    There is the "vegetti" spiral cutter, like an apple corer, making apple spaghetti spirals. They can and cook much easier than whole or fruit slices. Neat and easier eating than tough-dry apple leather slices in apple pie, now a spaghetti apple pie. Same for apple spaghetti vs apple sauce slush on a plate, or a vegetable salad garnish. Use in a dehydrating unit for making dried apple spaghetti, versus dried apple chips tougher than your pants belt. Stored dried apple spaghetti more compact and storable than chips, or watery jars of canned apple sauce, apple slices etc. Easier to rehydrate and use for cooking ingredients.

    You have orchard robbery, like what we have in SanFran with all the British (Empire) expats (Indians, especially Chinese). They will go out at night like lemmings, ladders over fences, children climb trees, and entirely strip an orchard, and disappear with all their ill-gotten gains without a noise. Wait till SHTF, if this is already happening now!

  2. Sorry to hear about the thievery, that is never fun. We used a apple peeler/corer like this when I was a kid, except it had a clamp instead of suction cup. I've guess I have used good ones because my family never had a problem with them being flimsy.

  3. Sorry about your apples. But, glad you were able to get the ones higher up. I really like the device I have kinda like yours. You can do the same with potatoes, You just have a bit more cutting on them. For fried potatoes.

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