June 9, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Build Home Made Tools for Managing Cover Crops In Back to Eden Gardening Method 101 with Wood Chips

  1. Ok…so I want to try this concept. I already have my garden prepared traditional style. Row crop, and weeding the middle between rows. How can i incorporate these concepts into my garden this year ? I thot about laying down some cardboard, fix a border, put holes in cardboard,plant corn ,cover cardboard with (?) Mulch? But not covering the corn seed. Would this get me going ?

  2. What is your opinion on mixing leaves into cover crop philosophy. Leaves have a tendency to smoother everything out, which sounds great right after rolling a cover-up, except that leaves tend to linger around for several years which could cause problems germinating the following years cover-up.

  3. This is a few years late, but couldn't you just use a law roller to crimp the rye? Normally the lawn roller dosent disturb grass because it's just the leaf being rolled over, but once the straw grows it should break the straw below the leaf.

  4. I am so glad to have found your oh so very informative channel. Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge. You would think that with all your detailed information there would be no more questions, but I was wondering if in your "spare time" (ha, ha), you could make a series on cover crops. I am confused about whether to let it stand throughout the growing season and let it grow with the vegetables (as you do in some videos), or whether to cut it down or crimp it. Are there particular crops for which to let it stand and other for which to cut it down? Why not let weeds grow as a "cover crop" (other than henbit, dead nettle, dandelion, etc.), and why could you not use a lawn mover to cut the cover crop? Sorry for the lengthy post.

  5. Is this still the method you are using for crimping? Seems difficult for anything other than a super small scale.
    I was looking in to a roller crimper for my riding mower, but the prices are astronomical 😀

  6. I'm looking at the sack barrow in the shot with the 2 rakes and the hedge trimmer and i'm thinking why wouldn't you attach the hedge trimmer to the sack barrow!

  7. very interesting. I have some questions: 1. why not just use a rotary mower to lower the height of the rye, etc? 2. are the chipped areas the walkways, and the cover cropped rows, your growing rows? Lastly, would using a broadfork or potato fork to loosen (not turn) the soil under the cover crop mess up the funge, etc?

  8. I've seen other videos on making your own hand-held crimper and they're hilarious because they all rely on adding a ton of weight to them. That's *dumb*… you just end up with a tool that will tire you out a lot faster. Rather than making it weigh 50 or 100#, just stand on the dang thing!
    Also, you don't need nails anywhere near that long just to tack down the tin. You're just taking a chance on splitting the wood. Use whatever you've got, but overkill is not always the best! Other than that, great concept.

  9. I know this is an old video but I am curious, Why not just use a scythe to cut your cover crop? I have heard people say using a sharp scythe is even easier than electric or gas-powered tools.

  10. Any reason I can’t use my mulching lawnmower , no bag, on it’s highest setting to trim the rye? What are the benefits of rye over oats in the case where you are going to terminate?

  11. Mark, Thanks for covering this topic. I have raised beds with cover crops growing down the middle. Mark would you plant directly into the cover crops themselves or alongside of them? thanks

  12. Looks like a big waste of time I dare you to post some yield videos of your Adam and Eve garden looks like you grow wood chips and rye grass only never seen a harvest video I recommend talking to your local agricultural extension before farming there are real no till options this is not how you no till farm this is how you waste time

  13. Hi Mark, Once again thank you so very much for all the highly valuable content!!

    I planted field peas and oats in the fall and am having the worst time killing them off. I’ve even bent the stalks over by hand (small plot) a few times and walk over them every couple days but they’re still green and pretty healthy looking! What can I do?? My last frost date has come and gone so I’m feeling a little antsy.

  14. I planted rye last fall and screwed a shape metal angle to a 3’ two by four and tried crimping. I guess I ain’t fat enough cause the rye stood back up in a couple days. Cutting it with a weed eater and will spread it where I need it. Got it cut and raked off. Ain’t never planting that crap on my garden again.

  15. that is soo cool putting the hedger on the rake! I am going to do cover crops for the first time this year. i figured by listening to you that oats as cover crop for areas to plant carrots or any seeds. Is that what you find to be true?

  16. HELP i am in zone 5 and it takes all year to mature my plants because I have to plant so late, very short growing season. I am trying to start using cover crops and raised rows. Not sure how to get started since my vegetables will still be in the ground and if I wait to plant cover crops when veggies are finished, the cover crops won't have time to grow. I'm thinking if I go ahead and plant cover crops between my veggies that at least it will be a start with cover crops. What do you suggest to get started with cover crops in zone5? or just put down my compost and straw and cover with weed block and try the cover crops next year? I am in a dilemma

  17. Thank you for this explanation. Now I understand how to plant inside of cover crops and not to worry about the cover crop competing with actual crop. But I still have two questions. Did you have to dig down to soil to plant cover crops? And why not use regular lawnmower to chop and drop?

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